Did anyone order a yanderekko? ‘Cause if you did, why?
— I thought Shoji may have permanently lost a limb, but apparently not. It kinda makes you feel like nothing permanently bad would ever happen to any of these kids. Maybe one day, the stakes will be raised, but not now. Not anytime soon. Which brings me to the following thought: I still feel as though Bakugo will get kidnapped, but surely, they can’t just straight up copy Naruto. It’d be too obvious. I bet they’d just rescue him in a different arc.
— Shoji being able to regenerate his missing limb also blunts Tokoyami’s rage. He’s losing control over nothing. Ah well.
— Deku has to make a difficult decision: continue onward to save Bakugo, or stay behind and assist Shoji with Tokoyami. In my mind, I was like, “Oooh, what is he gonna do?” Needless to say, he chose to do… both. Haha, of course. I give up.
— Braces aren’t this scary, kids. Don’t be afraid to go to the orthodontist.
— Our hero is smart — really smart — so he hatches a plan in which he lures the Dark Shadow to Bakugo. As a result, Moonfish is quickly and unceremoniously overwhelmed. That’s that, I suppose.
— It was also cool to see Bakugo tell Todoroki to hold back on creating a light source that would help Tokoyami regain control of his Quirk. He wants Dark Shadow to finish the job, i.e. render Moonfish useless. Hey, I know Bakugo isn’t all bad. He has his moments. They’re just not enough to overcome his bad sides in my opinion.
— Case in point, the kid stares with a dumbfounded look on his face as everyone else works together to protect him. Then he gets all pissy about it even though he willingly goes with the plan. On the one hand, he doesn’t put up a fight, and I’ve always said that actions speak louder than words. On the other hand, c’moooooon. Grow up, dude.
— Maybe we should wait until we’re safe and sound before we bother with apologizing.
— Deku insists on them cutting through the dark forest in order to return to safety. We should keep this fact in mind.
— For the time being, however, we cut to Uraraka and Asui. They find themselves up against, well, the bad guys’ token cute girl.
— Uraraka’s hairstyle looks cute from the front, but from her profile, it’s kinda… odd.
— All of a sudden, Asui grabs her partner and tries to sling her to safety. She claims that Aizawa only gave them permission to protect themselves, not defeat villains. I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. I don’t remember exactly what Aizawa had instructed in last week’s episode, and I’m too lazy to go back and check. Nevertheless, these teenagers are capable of making their own decisions. They’re not adults, sure, but at some point, you gotta fight for what you believe in. This is the exact reason why we praise Deku so much. He puts himself in danger despite everyone getting on his case about it. A hero doesn’t just follow orders. A hero does the right thing. What is the right thing here? There’s nothing wrong with defending yourself. There’s also nothing wrong with using your powers to stop a villain who might otherwise go on to hurt others. Imagine if they could defeat Himiko here and have the girl taken into custody. Wouldn’t that be a good thing? I just… these kids are such goody-two-shoes to the point that it’s kinda annoying.
— I almost thought Himiko was gonna make out with Asui here and suck the blood out of the frog girl’s mouth.
— Uraraka returns, however, and pins Himiko to the ground. So there’s at least that. Nevertheless, Himiko has the odd ability to sniff out the fact that Uraraka has a crush on someone. I mean, I don’t even know you can smell that, but then again, we’re in a universe full of crazy superpowers, so whatever.
— Himiko comments on her and Uraraka being somewhat similar to each other. Now that I think about it, she also has those two long locks like Uraraka.
— Ah, of course, Himiko is in love with Stain. God, he looks like such a dork.
— It’s also weird how taunting Uraraka about Deku is enough to distract the girl. Himiko is thus able to stab the girl and drain her blood… for whatever purpose this serves.
— Yeaaaaah…
— But when the boys show up, Himiko quickly decides to make her escape. She’s prudent enough not to pick a fight with too many people. At the same time, however, she catches a quick glimpse at the battered Deku and, uh, falls in love with him? Like I said, I guess we needed a yandere character. In a hypothetical relationship, she’d probably beat you up just to love you more.
— Say, do most people want Deku to end up with Uraraka? I think some people like Mei… It’s a shounen so it’s not like it matters. If he has a love interest, it won’t be requited until episode 800 billion.
— Really? Bakugo just disappeared without anyone noticing?
— It turns out this top-hat mofo somehow managed to steal Bakugo and Tokoyami. He turned them into marbles. Marbles, man. What a power. What a random power, too. “What do you do?” “Oh, I turn people into stuff.” “What sorta stuff?” “Marbles.” “You’re hired!”
— When Deku demands that the villain give Bakugo back, the latter goes, “He’s his own person, you egoist.” YOU TURNED HIM INTO A MARBLE TO TAKE HIM AWAY AGAINST HIS OWN WILL.
— So the thought process here is that Bakugo is too talented to be indoctrinated by the heroes. Same with Tokoyami, I suppose. But why stop there? I mean, just fucking look at Todoroki and his massive wall of ice. That’s pretty goddamn amazing, right? Why not steal him? Why not steal the invisible girl? She’d be an amazing spy. Why not steal Uraraka? She literally controls gravity! Gravity, dude! Maybe I’m just a huge space nerd, but G R A V I T Y. I’m not denying that Bakugo is the best fighter out of all the people here. He’s proven that in previous episodes. But use your imagination and think of what you could do with all these unique powers! Ah well. They’re the League of Villains, not the League of Ingenious Fuckers.
— Yo, Aoyama, quit being useless. Did you ever think that maybe he was originally designed to fire laser from his crotch, but they probably corrected this to his navel so that his Quirk would be a little less extreme? Just sayin’.
— Elsewhere, Momo and Awase nearly die to a Nomu, but luckily, it gets called back since the villains have succeeded in capturing Bakugo. Of course, no important character has really come close to biting the dust yet. Using her quick thinking, Momo creates a tracking device and tells the guy to attach it to the behemoth. Momo continues to be the unsung hero. Plus, this pretty much seals the deal: Deku will be unsuccessful in rescuing Bakugo. The tracking device, however, will allow them to go on a rescue mission afterwards.
— Damn, look at Uraraka just tear her shirt off without hesitation.
— So with Uraraka and Asui’s help, the boys are launched right at the top-hat dude running away with both Bakugo and Tokoyami. It’s kinda disappointing. At the end of the day, the girls are still playing a supportive role while the boys get to do all the heavy lifting. Sure, in terms of criticism of My Hero Academia, this is a low-hanging fruit, but it’s going to stay this way as long as the show continues to sideline half of its heroes for no good reason. You can’t convince me that its fans wouldn’t also be thrilled to root for a girl on the big stage. They would love to. I mean, isn’t Asui kinda the fan favorite?
— Also, it was apparently part of the villains’ plans to steal three samples of the heroes’ blood. Huh.
— The villains are about to escape, but Deku, Todoroki, and Shoji crash the party. So I guess that’s where we’ll continue in next week’s episode. They’ll come so close to saving their buddies, but will likely fail.
— Plus, remember how Deku had wanted to cut through the forest in order to return to camp quicker? What if they had taken the long way around? Would they have therefore avoided this predicament? Hm.