This episode is all about trains… and this hot idol in her breast-hugging top. But still, it’s all about trains!
Jesus Christ, even a suit in this universe can’t help but hug a woman’s chest tightly. Not only that, I’ve never seen such a shiny suit bef–… what am I saying! I should be talking trains, train models, train lines, train schedules…
…train employees courageously breaking a woman’s fall…
…and thus become hopelessly sandwiched between two buoyant pairs of breasts. My, my, my, what a difficult and dangerous job Naoto has.
D…did he just get knocked out by a pair of breasts?
Yes, yes he did, because those breasts are public enemy number one. Fathers! Lock up your sons! The breasts trains are on the prowl.
Trains. Trains.
Trains. Trains. Trains.
I now understand where last week’s animation budget had disappeared to. It’s like animation triage; some episodes are just more important than others. And with all the expertly rendered trains sitting before me, I must admit Passione has made the right call.. In fact, there’s even hardcore penetration in this week’s episode!
“Young Japanese Virgin Forcefully Penetrated Onstage
Quick, somebody save Naoto! (Psst, zoom into her breasts while we’re at it.)
Dude, this is the best train ever.
You’re probably wondering what this train is even train. Trains, obviously. But more specifically, a train enlisted to promote trains is being trained:
So it’s up to the train trains to protect our train. Don’t worry, though, because in the train, they save the train and apprehend the train. Why didn’t Train die from the training? Well, y’see…
…never leave train without traintection, kids.
And as a result, the hot, sexy train is now in train with our virgin train:
Ah, another beautiful train about young train. I hope this has been an educational train about trains for you guys. Personally, I learned a lot about trains today!
Filed under: Anime, Rail Wars!, Series Tagged: Anime, Rail Wars!