Sorry, still no Boku no Hero Academia coverage for now. It’s taking longer to watch those episodes than I thought. Alright, onto the rest of the rejects.
Big Order Ep. 8
Did anything interesting happen in this week’s episode? Um… Gennai looks nothing like the father in Sena’s memories, so something’s off there. I wonder if she has false memories. The girl also tries to clear Eiji’s name to the rest of the world, but Gennai is one step ahead of her. And for a supposed father figure, he acts pretty inappropriately around his so-called daughter. But this is Big Order, so I’m not sure what I expected. Eiji tries to save his sister, but gets his limbs lopped off. Nevertheless, he uses his Order to, uh, force his severed limbs to act as normal anyways. But y’know, that’s why you have Hiiragi on your side. Since he can hit CTRL-Z most of the time, our hero is all healed up by the end of the episode. Unfortunately, he finds himself handcuffed to a hospital bed, and not only that, Iyo wants to make babies. Welp. Just two more painful episodes to go.
Endride Ep. 10
The big takeaway from this week’s episode is that warp particles are disappearing or declining. If this keeps up, something very, very bad will happen to Endora. Meanwhile, Delzaine desperately wants to reach the surface, but he won’t tell anyone why. I dunno, maybe it has something to do with the disappearing warp particles. Tensions remain high between humans and the Zoozians, and it appears that Louise is a good-for-nothing traitor. I knew we couldn’t trust those Zoozians. Other than that, it was a pretty unremarkable episode. Character-wise, nobody really took any significant step forward in their development. Shun doesn’t think Emilio should commit murder just to avenge his father, but all Emilio ever says is, “You don’t understand!” Emilio doesn’t think Shun would care one way or another about Endora, and this offends the latter enough to throw a punch. Meh.
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season Ep. 10
Every single time a haremette is a princess of some made-up European country, the cast must inevitably pay said country a visit. There’s some political drama about Liseeltania being a puppet state, and how Julis’s apolitical brother serves as the puppet ruler. She wants to do something about it, but I’ve already lost interest. What else happened? Oh yeah, Saya apologizes for abandoning Ayato. Apparently, when she moved abroad, it became too painful to keep up their friendship, which she now deeply regrets. After all, when he lost his sister, she wasn’t there to comfort him. Boo hoo. Say, doesn’t she look way too young to be a haremette? Isn’t Kirin also just 13? Y’know what? Don’t answer that. I don’t really want to know. Finally, Claudia wants everyone to team up with her in some new, shitty tournament, and some old dude sics a chimera on our hero to prevent this from happening. But of course, a chimera is no big deal for our hero. I’m just curious how long this series is going to be. I thought the second season was coming to an end soon, but it doesn’t look like we’re anywhere close to a finale.
Hundred Ep. 10
Not much here to talk about either. Hm, this seems to be a recurring theme this week. But yeah, Little Garden is having a little celebratory shindig, which means harem hijinks at a maid cafe and some terrible attempts at JPOP. Oh, who am I kidding? All JPOP is horrible. But yeah, the maid cafe chews up way too much clock, leaving very little room for any possible plot development. And all you get from it is some tame boob-squeezing action. Elsewhere, Vitaly has somehow mind-controlled Wendy, and with the latter’s help, she manages to bypass Little Garden’s lax defenses. On a separate note, I always thought Vitaly was a guy’s name, but I guess it’s unisex like Leslie or Francis. But that’s not really all that important. In fact, nothing this week is all that important. Um, Karen has a Hundred now, and this allows her to float in one place and sing. Just don’t ask me to describe the singing.
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta. Ep. 9
In a Rusian-less episode, the girls have a sleepover in order to finish up their summer homework. It’s a pretty unremarkable episode. I mean, what are the story’s main attractions? One, the MMO gimmick, and two, Rusian and Ako’s slightly quirky relationship. This week’s episode features very little of either. The other girls come to a better understanding of Ako’s logic, and uh… I want to say Ako and Akiyama are friends now, but I’m not sure if that’s really the case. Eh, I’m just going to move onto the next show.
Seisen Cerberus Ep. 10
And what a show it is. It turns out the anime pulled a bait and switch on us. Remember how we’ve been harping on Hiiro’s uselessness for the past nine weeks? Well, that’s because Giruu has been purposely training him wrong! Just kidding, Giruu’s too much of a bro for that. But like father, like son: Hiiro can’t do jack with a sword, because he’s not supposed to. Instead, he has the potential to become an all-powerful mage much like Bairo. Master Theo has the boy hero doing all sorts of dumb exercises like crumbling and uncrumbling a piece of paper with Soraato’s face on it. Hiiro’s patience wears thin, because nobody will tell the poor kid the truth. And why not? Supposedly, he’s got so much magic potential that it could spell disaster. So in the end, he walks away from Master Theo completely clueless of the magical abilities at his fingertips. He still thinks he’s going to save the day with that crappy sword of his. Anyways, the episode ends with Erin’s cover being blown. I doubt anyone’s going to hurt a big-boobed catgirl, though.
If I had to pick a show, I guess Seisen Cerberus was the most enjoyable to watch out of these six shows. My mind, however, is already looking forward to what I’m going to watch next season. So far, these are the shows I’ll definitely cover in one form or another:
- 91Days
- Battery
- Berserk
- Mob Psycho 100
- orange
- Shokugeki no Soma: Ni no Sara
I’ll do a summer preview post when we get a little closer to Q3, but yeah, this is what I’ve got for now. And on top of this list, I’ll still be covering Endride, Kuromukuro, and Re:Zero. Last week, I asked what you guys were looking forward to. Well, are there any shows missing from the list above that you guys think I should consider writing about?
Filed under: Anime, Big Order, Endride, Gakusen Toshi Asterisk, Hundred, Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta., Seisen Cerberus, Series Tagged: Anime, Big Order, Endride, Gakusen Toshi Asterisk, Hundred, Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta., Seisen Cerberus