Ao Haru Ride Ep. 5: The proper context
Last week, some people were like, “Yo, it’s cool that you’re blogging this shoujo.” Yeah well, I don’t want to give you guys the wrong idea. It’s… it’s not like I like this show or anything....
View ArticleSummer 2014 Harem Hill, Week 4: Punching bag harem leads
What’s the theme this week? A true hero takes milady’s punishment with grace. As always, let’s take a look at last week’s poll results: Oooh, so close. One of these weeks, Rokujyoma no Shinryakusha!?...
View ArticleM3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 16: Those crazy, crazy villagers
Finally, a plot-laden episode for once that doesn’t deal with Akashi’s feelings. And what’s the juicy plot we’ve been wating for? “We even forgot that we were the ones who created the Lightless...
View ArticleEverything Else, Summer ’14, Week 5: Making the much-needed cuts
Honestly, I doubt the rankings for the top four shows will ever change. Most of the movement will naturally occur at the bottom of the barrel, because one of the many things a good show gets right is...
View ArticleTerror in Resonance Ep. 5: The more things change, the more they stay the same
Nineteen years ago, members of the religious movement Aum Shinrikyo “released sarin on several lines of the Tokyo subway, killing 13 people….” When I saw our terrorists plant a bomb on a train in this...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Ep. 6: Us vs. them
When we pick up where we had last left off, the fully-powered Touka makes quick work of Shu in a scene that, well, could have looked a whole lot better. Who knows? Maybe the censors just don’t want...
View ArticleRail Wars! Ep. 6: Dumb and Dumber
Alright, alright, let’s see what Naoto and his boobettes are up to this week. I never even intended to blog this show, but you guys asked for it. And you know I can never disappoint my five readers. –...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 6: A true gentlesir would never lay a finger on a grill
Hey, I found this neat piece of fanart out there on the internet! Alright, alright, let’s watch this terrible show. – Dork Gun: “But whether you’re a fake using his name or the real one… Someday, I’ll...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 19: A fast-sinking ship
And we’re going down with it! I hope you guys are happy. – First, someone goes, “Illegal aliens are arriving ashore from a small cargo ship in Cargo Pier 5.” Then shortly after a pair of investigators...
View ArticleAldnoah.Zero Ep. 6: Old Man Marito and his crazy stories
Let’s get the good stuff out of the way. If I ever need to scratch that action itch, Aldnoah.Zero would still do the trick. Mecha series have been pretty unimpressive lately in this department....
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 19: I can’t believe my girlfriend is so Titanic!
Alright, let’s get this over with. – Daichi tells Akari that an unknown group had attacked them. Really? Unknown? I mean, let’s think for a second… who else on this godforsaken planet would have the...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 6: Another one bites the dust
Alright! Let’s see who’s going to die senselessly this week? I can’t wait to find out! – For some reason, Tatsumi and Leone are in the red light district. Once our heroes have infiltrated one of the...
View ArticleAo Haru Ride Ep. 6: Looking down from the mountaintops
Yuri now likes Kou, so naturally, Futaba’s starts acknowledging her feelings for him too. I mean, isn’t that how it typically works? No, I’m not trying to imply that she’s falling in love with Kou...
View ArticleSummer 2014 Harem Hill, Week 5: More tsuntsun than a tsundere shark
Seriously, way to many tsunderekkos this week. As always, let’s first take a look at last week’s results: Finally! That’s what I’m talking about. Rokujyoma no Shinryakusha!? just sucks, man. And it’s...
View ArticleM3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 17: All because of a single boy
More M3 goodness! Even though, honestly, I think there are less than ten people still watching this trainwreck… – Oh man, I hate it when anime can’t stop “anime’ing” it up. Iwato dives on top of Raika...
View ArticleEverything Else, Summer ’14, Week 6: Cutthroat competition
If you’ll recall, I put up a poll in last week’s post, asking people to name their three most underrated shows of the season. According to my readers, those three shows are Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun...
View ArticleTerror in Resonance Ep. 6: Wild card
Lisa desperately wants to find a place that she belongs, so it isn’t surprising that we find her doing the boys’ laundry at the start of this week’s episode. When Lisa later asks if there’s anything...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Ep. 7: Desperate vengeance
In my most recent Everything Else post, I’m asking people who they think is the best heroine of the season. Well, thus far, anyway. While I won’t reveal the results of this impromptu poll just yet —...
View ArticleRail Wars! Ep. 7: Harem drama
This is an anime about trains. – What’s the gimmick this episode? The entire team will undergo JNR PSF advanced training. I love acronyms, by the way. They make me feel SVFH. IYDLIYCSMD. – Dear god,...
View ArticleTokyo ESP Ep. 5 & 6: New World Order
Gotta admit… I’m still not super excited about this show, so I’ll make this quick and painless. What I liked: – Peggi’s cool. – We have a bit of a reversal in the damsel-in-distress storyline:...
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