Orange Ep. 2: Sad, pretty boys and the shy girls who love them
Girls like Naho drive me crazy, and not in the good way. She’s so meek and timid that if she were your friend, you’d find yourself acting in an exaggerated manner just to compensate for her inaction....
View ArticleHere’s a low effort post about the fall season
I was gonna start playing through the Kingdom Hearts games, because I’ve honestly never touched any of them before. Why has it taken me so long to touch the series? Well, c’mon. We’re talking about...
View ArticleLet’s pretend I have something to say about anime
Oh no, the fall season is finally here. That means I have to actually start updating this blog in earnest. After all, I keep saying that I’ll write again. At some point, I actually have do it. Even if...
View ArticleDay two of my painful anime excursion
Insert generic quirky anime picture here. I gotta keep blogging, don’t I? The problem is that I need to write regularly to make it a habit. Otherwise, I’ll just become lazy and drop off the face of the...
View ArticleDay 3: Another pair of mysterious transfer students, folks
Our Tokyo public schools have become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems. It’s true, it’s true. When the boonies send their people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you....
View ArticleNet-Juu no Susume Ep. 1: Will you be my internet GF?
I guess I’ll blog this weekly. I was looking forward to Garo, but I guess there aren’t English subs for it yet? No matter. It’ll happen eventually. And I know some readers wanted me to write about...
View ArticleGaro – Vanishing Line Ep. 1: Retweet this man-eating Horror
“There’s never an end to Horrors here,” Sword says shortly after taking one out in the middle of a bustling metropolis. He had to transform in order to defeat the latest threat, leaving behind a...
View ArticleMahoutsukai no Yome Ep. 1 and more
I’m still trying to feel things out, gauging whether or not any of these shows could keep my interest for the next three months. I have a handful of shows that I’ll definitely follow all the way to...
View ArticleEvil or Live Ep. 1 and more
Sorry for the mediocre post today. I got distracted by work-related stuff. Plus, I’m really craving black pepper pork buns now… Evil or Live Ep. 1 Subtlety is overrated. I don’t mind at all that the...
View ArticleInuyashiki Ep. 1 and more
Hmm. Hmmmm. Sorry, I’m just at a loss for words. Well, not really. Here comes a bunch of words about the episode. Upon first impression, however, I have to admit the anime left me in an odd place....
View ArticleRecovery of an MMO Junkie Ep. 2: I kinda like this show
For some reason, I find it cute and amusing. It isn’t high art nor does it really make one think, but honestly, this week’s episode made me smile. Yeah, I’ll admit it. I actually found Moriko’s...
View ArticleGaro – Vanishing Line Ep. 2: Rain makes all the bad memories go away
We get to know Luke in the follow-up episode. Luke has a special power; through what appears to be a magic spell, he can summon a rain that erases people’s memories. This allows the Makai Knights to...
View ArticleJust Because! Ep. 2: It’s all Eita’s fault
I’m not sure why I’m interested in these kids’ lives, which just means I’m going to spend the next few paragraphs defining exactly why I’m most likely going to blog this show till the end of the...
View ArticleMahoutsukai no Yome Ep. 2: Magical therapy
I’ve come to prefer simpler romances, i.e. the ones grounded in reality. In other words, the ones that don’t require so much world-building. World-building is usually a nuisance if it fails in...
View ArticleHouseki no Kuni Ep. 1 & 2: What an odd little gem
Well, this is an intriguing show. So much about the story is still shrouded in mystery, so I’ll just jot down some loose thoughts instead: — So the previous world (Earth?) was ravaged by six...
View ArticleChildren of the Whales Ep. 1 & 2: Flawed but promising start
Boy, did that not escalate quickly. I was waiting for something to happen, and it finally did. Just at the very end of the second episode. Okay, now I want to see more. It’s not that Children of the...
View ArticleEvil or Live Ep. 2 & everything else
So… is this a comedy or what? We have serious stuff like a bully threatening to sexually assault a girl in front of everyone — and I mean, everyone. Practically no one lifts a finger to help her, by...
View ArticleOusama Game Ep. 3: Take one for the team, bro
In yet another flashback, the mysterious King orders Naoya to have sex before the day’s over. But oh no, there’s only ten minutes left! What are we to do? Nobuaki springs into action; he shoves both...
View ArticleInuyashiki Ep. 2: Chilling
From the moment Hiro picked his victim to the drowning kid’s final death throes, there is no background music. One less illusion, I suppose. One less obstacle to distract the audience from the...
View ArticleRecovery of an MMO Addict Ep. 3: Semi-charmed life
I always try to leave the office as soon as I hit the 8-hour mark. Since I’m salaried, it’s not like I’ll even get extra money for sticking around. Sometimes, I cheat and leave a little earlier. Shhh....
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