Megalo Box Ep. 3: Starting from the bottom
Joe ain’t got nuthin’. No fancy training equipment, no fans, no win-loss record, and by the end of this week’s episode, no Gear either. Hell, he doesn’t even have a last name. How is he going to do...
View ArticleWotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Ep. 2: Where’s the love?
That’s a good damn question. Are Narumi and Hirotaka actually dating? I can’t tell. I also can’t tell if I like this show or not. It’s full of inside jokes for otakus, but it has little in way of...
View ArticleDorei-ku The Animation Ep. 2: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
This is one of those shows in which everyone kinda sucks. The protagonist isn’t bad, per se… but she’s not particularly endearing either. It’s just one unending suck after suck. — We open with a...
View ArticleTada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Ep. 3: Eight whole seconds
I’d be so screwed if all it takes is eight seconds of continuous eye contact to fall in love with someone. — The episode opens with Nyanko Big sitting on top of a sleeping Mitsuyoshi. The cat wants...
View ArticleRecord of Grancrest War Ep. 15: Good ol’ guerrilla warfare
Guerrilla warfare isn’t just hiding in the trees, utilizing hit-and-run tactics, and ambushing them from all angles. It’s also about inspiring the people. It’s the perfect David vs Goliath scenario....
View ArticleMahou Shoujo Site Ep. 3: Deeper into the snake pit
What crazy situations are our magical girls getting themselves into now? — Nijimi, the girl that we had seen at the end of last week’s episode, is in fact an idol. In fact, her group takes after...
View ArticleDarling in the FranXX Ep. 15: Rehabilitation
The battle for the Gran Crevasse is underway, and Zero-Two’s leading the charge. Unfortunately, Strelizia is firmly locked in beast mode. Ultimately, none of those stamen could last with her. Could...
View ArticlePersona 5 The Animation Ep. 3: Hatchet job
I just finished watching a pretty damn good episode, so let’s see how Persona 5 The Animation brings me back down to Earth. — Those 3D items on Igor’s desk look embarrassing. I now wish someone else...
View ArticleSword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Ep. 3: Squad Jam instruction...
I hope you’re ready to learn the ins and outs of this awesome tournament. — This extended breakdown of the term “Squad Jam” is a bit odd. Anyways, brace yourself for a ton of exposition. Not only do...
View ArticleMy Hero Academia Ep. 41: We need a better class of criminals
Maybe I should give these guys a chance, but eh… — Is that guy a walking speech bubble? Sorry, I’m not an expert on My Hero Academia nor will I ever be. I just feel like watching at least one...
View ArticleDevils’ Line Ep. 3: Lovey dovey crap
Unfortunately, this week’s episode is nowhere near as wild as we got last week. Yuuki and Tsukasa mostly play boyfriend-girlfriend as the story slowly builds up to the next big threat. — When the...
View ArticleCaligula Ep. 3: Let them eat (too much) cake
If Mu wants to keep people from waking up, maybe she should do a better job listening to them. Remember how it looked like Mifue had two moms in the first episode? The first mom was really skinny and...
View ArticleEverything Else Pt. 3 (Spring ’18)
By the way, I’m dropping that book-burning show. I got about five minutes into the episode, and I couldn’t help but think, “Why am I doing this to myself?” I think that says it all. Dances with the...
View ArticleKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 4: Nurse Aoi to the rescue
Onii-chan no baka! Wanna know why two spiders are fighting? Read on! — So Oryo got a fever, because snow women can’t go near fire. When did she go near a fire, you ask? Remember these...
View ArticleGolden Kamuy Ep. 3: The 3D bear strikes back!
You didn’t think we were done with ugly CGI, did you? — After nearly freezing to death at the end of last week’s episode, Sugimoto eventually returns to Asirpa’s makeshift hut to find a nice stew of...
View ArticleSteins;Gate 0 Ep. 3: The illusion is too strong
I’m all about Rintaro and Amadeus. Now there’s a pairing to keep an eye on! I’m not even joking either. I’ve always been fascinated by human-AI relationships in fiction. Not surprisingly, Her is one...
View ArticleMegalo Box Ep. 4: Hang your pride up
Wow, Joe’s going to go into his first official match ever without any Gear. The kid is right to be concerned; even though Joe has no intention of losing, this is almost suicidal. But hey, he could...
View ArticleWotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Ep. 3: 99% otaku, 1% romance
That’s my main problem with this show. Not moe, but the lack of romance. There’s barely even any chemistry between the main characters. It’s really just Hirotaka being in love with Narumi (but still...
View ArticleTada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Ep. 4: Standstill
We briefly take a break from Tada and Teresa to focus on another hapless couple: Hajime and Hinako. She loves him, and he loves her… but he doesn’t really love her. He loves HINA, her alter-ego. And I...
View ArticleDorei-ku The Animation Ep. 3: How the tables have turned…
Rise up, all good bois! This is our revolution! — Yeah, this show is so bad, but it’s also so ridiculous that you can’t look away. — Seiya somehow entered into a duel with Julia and instantly lost....
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