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My Hero Academia Ep. 50: Time to switch arcs


Alright, let’s pick up the pieces. Time to ganbatte it up and try super hard! 

— In this meeting with the top brass of the police department — and they are apparently all men — everyone begrudgingly admits that they took a big blow from recent events. The Symbol of Peace is dead, the League of Villains only gets stronger with every defeat, blah blah blah.

— Apparently, after Nana’s husband died, she put her own son into foster care, because she didn’t want to get him involved in the hero world. Ugh. Ugh. That’s so terrible. I’m not going to say that it wasn’t a hard choice for her to make, but holy shit, how could you abandon your own kid? This is why a lot of superheroes in other stories often disguise their true identity. Since they also want to have a private life, it just makes sense. But this concept seems completely alien to the MHA universe. As a result, these selfish heroes — yeah, they’re selfish — keep pumping out children even though they’re neck deep in super villains. Of course, one has to give, and from a utilitarian standpoint, it makes sense to choose the good of society over your own kid… but ugh.

— If Shigaraki is going to be redeemed, I doubt All Might’s going to be the one to do it. If anything, I expect it to cost him his actual life. Look, someone important’s going to have to die at some point in this series.

— Oh look, it’s Todoroki’s sister. We’ve seen her before, but since she has a minor role, I have almost forgotten what she looks and sounds like. Everyone in the family has silly hair.

— Todoroki peeks in on his father, and this looks stupidly reckless. I don’t doubt that his dad doesn’t want the number one hero position by default. Setting fire to your own home and smashing stuff out of rage, though… dude, you’re an adult. Grow up.

— Christ, all of the father figures in this show are kinda… yeah…

— Three punches in his muscle form is all that All Might can handle nowadays. Luckily, the blood here is mostly for comedy.

— Anyways, in this highly-charged moment, All Might reiterates his desire to raise Deku properly. I mean, what else can he do? He set the kid on this path, so he’s got to see it through to the end. He’s got to make sure Deku is ready for the same career that he just had to endure. The kid is, however, a million miles away from filling All Might’s giant shoes. But hey, that’s why this show is a shounen! I bet we have hundreds of episodes to go before Deku and his friends become full-fledged pros. I’ll probably throw in the towel long before then.

— Apparently, Best Jeanist will be out of commission for a while. As for Ragdoll, she may as well retire. We hardly knew ye. But seriously, they should’ve had this happen to a more notable character. It would’ve been more tragic. Unfortunately, bad stuff only seems to happen to unimportant nobodies, so the emotional impact is blunted.

— So Nezu wants to convert U.A. into an all-dorm school, but since they keep fucking up as instructors, they’ll need to go and meet the parents face-to-face. It’s kinda fun to see some of the kids’ parents.

— Oh hey, it’s Bakugo’s mom. Most people will drool over her MILF status, but I can’t help but focus on how she likes to communicate with her son by yelling. We now know where the kid gets his shitty attitude from. It doesn’t help that her husband looks completely spineless.

— Afterwards, Bakugo wants to know more about the relationship between Deku and All Might, but the latter is not forthcoming. Oh well.

— So far, it has been smooth sailing for both All Might and Aizawa. Unfortunately, Deku’s mother is naturally protective of her son. I’m more surprised that the other parents don’t seem to have more issues with Nezu’s latest stunt. As a result, she’s changed her mind and no longer wishes to have Deku attend U.A. It’s too dangerous (it is!), the teachers can’t protect the students (they can’t!), and if Deku wants to be a hero so badly, he could attend a different school (he should!). Her worries and concerns are all understandable. My only quibble is that she didn’t discuss this privately with Deku beforehand. Sure, she changed her mind overnight, but it’s not as if All Might showed up out of nowhere. As a family, she had time to discuss this with her son before his teacher arrived. She shouldn’t have sprung this on him.

— Deku is determined to be a hero, so he’ll do whatever it takes. If this means he can’t attend U.A., then so be it. This impresses All Might greatly, so he goes into his muscle form even though this would hurt him. He then bows to both Deku and his mother, promising that he’ll do all he can to raise the kid properly. Uh huh.

Um, phrasing…

— In the end, Deku’s mother relents, so the status quo won’t change at all. But boy, wouldn’t it have been interesting to see the kid in a whole new environment, learning from whole new teachers, and making whole new friends? It would’ve been bold. Unfortunately, most shounens are not known for their boldness. It’s no surprise at all that his mother would eventually fold.

— But yeah, we’ll get to see the kids move into the dorms next week and bunk up with their buddies.

— After the credits, there’s a short scene with All For One, but… screw him. He sucks and his successor sucks.

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