Record of Grancrest War Ep. 24 (Final): Amusingly lame
It was Earth all along! They’ve made monkeys out of all of us! But before we get to the truth behind everything, let’s deal with Dmitrie first. — This feels more like the start of a Castlevania game...
View ArticleMahou Shoujo Site Ep. 12 (Final): No bulli zone
I’m just happy to remove this from my schedule. I’m sure some crappy summer show will happily step up to replace the gaping hole that Mahou Shoujo Site has left in our hearts, but I’ll worry about...
View ArticleMy Hero Academia Ep. 50: Time to switch arcs
Alright, let’s pick up the pieces. Time to ganbatte it up and try super hard! — In this meeting with the top brass of the police department — and they are apparently all men — everyone begrudgingly...
View ArticleDARLING in the FRANXX Ep. 22: Colony of lost children
The good news is that Zero Two can still be saved. For now, anyways. Yay. The bad news is that Hiro will have to go up into space to get her mind back. Welp. At first, Zero Two keeps wandering away...
View ArticlePersona 5 The Animation Ep. 12: Another open-and-shut case
Makoto’s sentiment would make more sense in a longer adaptation. In this specific one, however, she’s only spent like… what? Two whole episodes with the gang? And she already feels like she belongs?...
View ArticleSword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Ep. 11: Just play
Seriously, just play the damn game. — Again, this show tries too hard to portray Pito as some evil, psycho woman. But repeat after me: it’s… just… a… game! — Pito’s sword is actually double-bladed....
View ArticleWotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Ep. 11 (Final): That’s it?
I guess that’s it. Wotakoi is not particularly romantic. It’s not particularly funny either. It also doesn’t really have a plot. Nor is it really insightful. After all, it portrays a very narrow range...
View ArticleDevils’ Line Ep. 12 (Final): A not-so-happy ending
The adaptation kind of ends on a weird spot. Sure, everything works out for Anzai and Tsukasa, but everything around them has fallen apart. Lee is now on the run, because he had to reveal himself to...
View ArticleCaligula Ep. 12 (Final): Play the game to understand the story!
Or not. It doesn’t really matter. — So back in Mobius, Mu is still busy absorbing everyone’s sadness and thus becoming nuttier by the second. She can’t handle so much negativity, you guys! So please,...
View ArticleKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 12: All this for a stupid hair ornament
Sigh. — First things first, the issues between Shizuna and her teacher are 100% resolved. Yep, all those years of awkwardness have been wiped away by a single meal at Moonflower. Amazing! Has Aoi...
View ArticleGolden Kamuy Ep. 11: Murder hotel
By itself, this is an amusing episode. As the penultimate episode in a series, however, it doesn’t actually help Golden Kamuy build up to any sort of grand finale. Does anything that happens here...
View ArticleMEGALOBOX Ep. 12: Back to basics
After all this hoopla, both finalists are going to fight gearless. Geez, guys. But seriously, Yukiko said something that really resonated with me: “The battle to determine the greatest Megalo Boxer…...
View ArticleKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 13: Just watch the last two minutes of the episode
‘Cause nothing remotely interesting happens until then. Just a whole bunch of pointless chatter until the big dumb reveal of a new major character. — When we last left off, Ginji became sick and...
View ArticleGolden Kamuy Ep. 12 (Final): This isn’t much of a finale
But of course not. After all, the story is nowhere near the finish line. Hell, I don’t even think the manga is anywhere near the finish line. Even so, I just wish the adaptation could have ended on a...
View ArticleThe Obligatory Summer 2018 Anime Preview Post
Yeah, this is super late, but let’s take a quick survey of the upcoming shows. Also, I wrote this post, because I didn’t feel like watching the rest of Tokyo Ghoul:re tonight. Eh, what can I say?...
View ArticleTada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Ep. 13 (Final): Sweet but unfocused
Much like its heroine, I suppose. Anyways, I’m sure you’ve heard about it, but Princess Ayako recently made the news by giving up her royal title. She, too, fell in love with a commoner. For the...
View ArticleMEGALOBOX Ep. 13 (Final): Wholesome but anticlimactic
Well, it really depends on how you look at it. I mean, I’m glad both boxers survived, but I dunno, I just can’t love the ending. The whole match never truly crescendo’d. In fact, I felt like I was...
View ArticleDARLING in the FRANXX Ep. 23: Growing apart
With his friends’ help (and Nine Alpha’s sacrifice), Hiro eventually makes his way to Zero Two. Cue the same ol’ “I’m a monster and you’re not” drama. Luckily, Trigger and CloverWorks aren’t dumb...
View ArticleSword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Ep. 12 (Final): We all know...
You degenerates. — So no cold opening this week, ’cause we mean business (not really). — Pito tells Karen that only the latter could’ve pushed her to her limits, which is funny ’cause I remember our...
View ArticlePersona 5 The Animation Ep. 13: Maxing out another confidant
With Yusuke as this week’s focus, Ren is starting to go through his friends’ stories like a hot knife through butter. But this time, CloverWorks finally decides to take some liberties. — The episode...
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