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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 24: Clearly, the Gary Stu is not overpowered enough


tatsuya stop bullets with one hand

So let’s make him stronger. Yeah, that’s our Gary Stu blocking a hail of bullets with just his right hand. After weeks and weeks of buildup, the bad guys have finally decided to attack. Unfortunately, this is Tatsuya’s world, so he just karate chops the guy’s arms clean off. No, really. Not only that, Tatsuya seems proud of his handiwork. Yeah, yeah… everyone was like, “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet,” but I have. I have, man, I have. This is nothing we haven’t seen before. This is the same overpowered-as-fuck Gary Stu that we’ve been watching since the first episode. And same as it was in the first episode, the action is still as boring and uninspired than ever. Tatsuya turns and looks in someone’s direction, then they die. Yawn. Anyway, let’s do what I’ve always done with Mahouka posts…

– Does Miyuki even care that her brother has just killed someone before her very eyes? Even if this someone is just a bad guy — even if you try to claim that the bad guy hasn’t actually been killed — watching someone lose an arm is, uh, not pleasant. But Miyuki is just as robotic as her brother! Hell, maybe even worse! Do you want to know the first thing that comes out of that girl’s mouth? It’s this: “Brother, let me remove those bloodstains.” Holy shit, at least make her human. Yeah, she wants to bang her brother. Yeah, she hasn’t been a well-developed character. Yeah, she has nothing to contribute to the story. But man, she’s even less human than the Gary Stu himself. Let me remove those bloodstains? Let me remove those bloodstains?! Someone just lost their fucking arm!

– So Miyuki presses a button, Tatsuya shimmers for a bit, and now his uniform is all clean again. What. Is. This?

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– Somehow, Miyuki’s sudden need to do her brother’s laundry distracts the bad guys enough for the rest of the students to safely fight back against these men with assault rifles. Yeah man, the evil Chinese badmen may have been planning this attack for months and months, making sure that everything goes smoothly. But it’s okay! Just relax! They’re foreigners with puny brains, so they’ll be easily confused by our women’s superior washing skills!

– Next thing I see, the Chinese badmen are all in cuffs. Cuffs! A bunch of trained soldiers with assault rifles have lost this battle, and the good guys didn’t even incur a single casualty! We can thank Miyuki’s domestic prowess for that!

– Tatsuya’s harem immediately rushes to his side, wondering whether or not those bullets had hurt him. Yo, you’re gazing upon a golden god. Pay some damn respect! These bullets obviously symbolize the foreigners’ tiny dicks, and all the tiny dicks in the world can’t dent this Gary Stu’s masculine superiority!

– Our Gary Stu and his friends were just about to leave and kick some terrorist ass when Curious George suddenly pipes up. He thinks Tatsuya had just use some super top-secret ability, but of course, if it’s so top-secret, then how come Curious George even knows anything about it? It turns out Curious George doesn’t know what he’s talking about, so Tatsuya’s technique is even more top-secret! The Gary Stu then storms out of the place. Gosh darn, we don’t get a dry and boring explanation of his magical abilities? Why? What’s wrong, Mahouka? What’s gotten into you?

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– Outside, explosions rock the streets, but the streets are empty anyway, so who cares? We eventually cut to some people running away from the Chinese badmen with their assault rifles, but c’mon! Just send high school kids after them, and the Chinese badmen will be subdued. Easy peasy! Elsewhere, we see that the highways are magically are clogged even though every other time we’ve seen highways in this damn anime, they’ve been empty as fuck.

– Azusa apparently has the power to calm everyone down. This basically involves her summoning a green bow of energy and plucking the drawstring. In doing so, waves of green light washes over the room, then everyone just calms down just like that. Funny thing is, Mayumi claimed she would take responsibility for Azusa’s actions, implying that the lattter was about to do something totally forbidden and unethical. But like everything else in Mahouka, even the forbidden is boring as fuck.

– The city is under attack from an unidentified ship! The Chinese badmen have come over on a boat to fuck us! Not only that, they’ve been living amongst us this entire time! I told you guys we should’ve built a giant fence around the island!

– Why does Mayumi even need to make this speech? Why not just show us shots of the students evacuating from the convention hall? That would’ve been enough. I don’t need to know that there’s a rescue ship in so-and-so pier. I don’t need to know that some underground shelter might not withstand an assault from the enemy. This is all superfluous details that the audience can just fill in for themselves. Stick to the action, man. Let the action speak for itself. You don’t need to spell everything out as a writer, especially when certain things are just fucking obvious.

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– Elsewhere, the Shiba siblings continue to be OP as all hell. All Miyuki does is close her eyes, and she somehow freezes all of the enemies’ bullets around her. This shit isn’t even fun to watch. But my question is, if Miyuki can do this, why didn’t anyone else think to do the same thing? Why haven’t the actual professionals, i.e. the people actually trained and hired to fight back against the terrorists, even come close to doing anything remotely as useful as instantly freezing all the fucking bullets in the invading army’s arsenal? And if your defense is that Miyuki is stronger than these “professionals,” then why is she even attending high school? What’s even the point!

–  Tatsuya proceeds to run through the enemy… literally. Yeah, your eyes aren’t fooling you. The Gary Stu is karate chopping the bad guys in half. All of a sudden, Mahouka is just as violent and gratuitous as Akame ga Kill! We’re just missing the latter’s penchant for raping women.

– The rest of the students proceed to kick terrorist ass too. And by kick terrorist ass, I really mean that they’re killing people. Just high schoolers killing people like it’s no big deal. Sure, Mizuki and Honoka look all concerned and shit, but Erika acts like she’s a battle-hardened veteran. I mean, it makes some sense at least that our Gary Stu wouldn’t bat an eyelash at all this bloodshed. After all, he’s a robot, he has no emotions, blah blah blah. But what’s the deal with the likes of Erika and Mikihiko? How can they just kill people and act like it’s no big deal? Are they robots like the Gary Stu too? Or is this just shit writing? Leo even has the gall to complain that he didn’t get the chance to participate, i.e. he didn’t get the chance to kill people. Gosh darn, I wanted to chop those foreigners in half too! Why did you guys have to hog all the kills?!

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– Shizuku brings her friends to the convention hall’s VIP room, where they’ll magically be able to get all sorts of invaluable information about the bad guys and what they’re up to. Just like that, you guys, just like that. She even knows the access code to the room. It’s so convenient!

– For the next few minutes, the characters just stand around and talk. Well, what else is new, right? Madhouse even passes up a prime opportunity to show us some action. For instance, remember how everyone was being evacuated through an underground passage? Well, Tatsuya is concerned that they’ll run into the enemy forces down there. A few minutes later, one of the girls tells us that Tatsuya was right, but it’s okay! Hattori is also doing down there, and the small enemy force will be taken care of soon enough. That’s it. Madhouse could have shown us a battle that doesn’t involve the Gary Stu, but nah. Apparently, a couple sentences on the matter will suffice. Since the anime doesn’t even want to bother animating a potential battle, let’s just skip ahead in the episode.

– Everyone’s busy talking about what they should do next, but Tatsuya somehow senses that a truck is headed right for them! The truck is not even close, but ah, that’s right! The Gary Stu is omniscient! But don’t forget that he’s omnipotent too, because by merely staring in the direction of the truck with his gun-shaped CAD extended, the entire vehicle literally vanishes into thin air, leaving behind just a single Chinese badman. Magic!

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– He finds that a bunch of missiles are headed the convention’s way! But that’s okay! If there’s anyone out there as beastly as the Gary Stu himself, it’s none other than Jumanji-kun! And just like that, the missiles explode in the air all thanks to yet another high schooler. It’s like one big contest to see who can be the most boring person at this school? Oh yeah? You can vaporize an entire truck? Well, look at me! I’m vaporizing missiles!

– More assholes meet up in the conference room to discuss troop movements and shit. Pass.

– Eventually, Tatsuya’s classmates learn that he’s actually an officer in the JSDF, so they gasp in shock and shit. Not Jumanji, though. Nothing shakes this man!

– As a soldier, Tatsuya must mobilize in defense as well. But right before he leaves, Miyuki calls out to him. He then takes a knee before her, so that she can lean down and kiss his forehead. By doing so, the entire room is awash in light and… wind? That’s right! Tatsuya’s limiter has just been removed! You thought the Gary Stu was overpowered before? Well gosh, he was just being held in check. But thanks to the power of incest, Tatsuya will now beast it up. Get ready, Chinese badmen!

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SSJ Gary Stu has just been unleashed!

Filed under: Anime, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, Series Tagged: Anime, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

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