Kill la Kill Ep. 25: Sea change at Honnouji Academy
Y’know, I like Kill la Kill, but… I was satisfied with the way the series ended. And by this, I mean was satisfied enough to move on from the story. I don’t feel the need to watch another minute of...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Ep. 10: D-Don in distress?
The episode opens with ghouls ripping through one of the many anti-ghoul branches. According to a victim, these perpetrators are from the Aogiri Tree. I’m not sure the anime has ever fully explained...
View ArticleTokyo ESP Ep. 9: Dead waifus mean the world is corrupt
After weeks and weeks of training, our characters don’t quite throw down like I had expected at the end of last week’s post. Instead, the bad guys just flat-out win. This isn’t necessarily the...
View ArticleRail Wars! Ep. 10: Add a reverse trap to the mix
Wait, is this blonde girl supposed to be the reverse trap? ‘Cause honestly, that’s the least convincing reverse trap I’ve ever seen. Gosh, I just can’t wait to hear her story, so let’s start the show....
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 10: You already live inside me!
We’re back once again. And what do we have? Oh, that’s right! It’s an SAO heroine lying around helpless, waiting for Kirito to save her! I don’t recall a girl ever saving Kirito, actually. Remember...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 23: How to over-promise and under-deliver
Mahouka will show you how! – So Chen Xiangshan goes to… man, I don’t even remember these people’s names anymore. This other guy is supposedly one of the arc’s primary antagonist, but he has had so...
View ArticleAldnoah.Zero Ep. 10: A momentary distraction
Time to see how Inaho saves the day once again! – Eddy is kind of slow. If the Aldnoah Drive can’t shut down unless the princess is dead, then let’s put two and two together, guys. – Asseylum has no...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 10: The softer side of Esdeath
Oh good, the general is just another clichéd anime babe! – We kick things off with the Jaegers just outside a bandit’s fortress. Honestly, I don’t expect to see anything but a bunch of gratuitous...
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 23: Clear away all your doubts
I actually think the first two-thirds of this week’s episode is pretty neat. There’s a surreal, dream-like quality to most of the episode. Daichi basically relives the first couple of days of the...
View ArticleAo Haru Ride Ep. 10: Friendship is difficult!
Back to the shoujo anime that couldn’t… yay… If you’ve forgotten where we last left off — and who could blame you! — everyone’s over at Kou’s house, but something might have just happened between him...
View ArticleFall 2014 Anime Preview: The harems strike back, the return of Gundam, and...
Alright, alright, here’s my preview of next season’s anime. So y’know, you guys can stop asking me on if I’m going to do one. Also, in last week’s “Everything Else” post, I asked what you guys...
View ArticleSeirei Tsukai no Blade Dance Ep. 9: Nothing in particular happens
More tsundere sharks this week? Gosh, you never know… – You know how the harem lead cross-dressed and kicked butt as Ren Ashbell? Of course you do. The anime’s only been telling us this lame story...
View ArticleEverything Else, Summer ’14, Week 10: Just a few weeks more…
A shorter post than usual this week, since I’m a bit exhausted these days. Week 9’s Poll Results The top 5 finishers – Not surprisingly, Psycho-Pass 2 takes the majority of the votes. “I, what most...
View ArticleM3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 21: Minashi goes off the deep end
Not exactly the most romantic place for our two lovers… – Kasane says her final goodbyes to Aoshi, but elsewhere, Mahmu isn’t reacting well to the news that LIMs can die. Also, who the hell is the new...
View ArticleTerror in Resonance Ep. 9: Five’s vengeance
First things first, let’s address the elephant in the room. The first half of the episode is a very extensive exposition dump regarding the Athena Project. Shibazaki and Hamura have tracked down Souka...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Ep. 11: And the disappointment begins
There’s a lot to dislike about this week’s episode. A lot. So the all-out war between CCG and Aogiri Tree is a joke. To set the stage, CCG can’t seem to break through Aogiri Tree’s first line of...
View ArticleRail Wars! Ep. 11: Oh good, it’s the penultimate episode
Y’know, as a kid, I always thought penultimate meant five times as ultimate. But I digress. We’re here to see how an anime about trains is really an anime about boobs… for the 11th time! Man, have we...
View ArticleTokyo ESP Ep. 10: What this anime needs is definitely more backstory
I’m not hearing great things about this episode, but hey, let’s see for ourselves why it’s so bad. – So things have gotten worse ever since the esper detainment law went into effect. Sure, a school...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 11: More talk, more butts
Sigh. Man, all of a sudden, it feels as though I’ve aged a thousand years. Oh, what’s that? It’s another episode of Sword Art Online II. Yip…pee… – I thought that maybe we had moved on. It’s a new...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 24: Clearly, the Gary Stu is not overpowered...
So let’s make him stronger. Yeah, that’s our Gary Stu blocking a hail of bullets with just his right hand. After weeks and weeks of buildup, the bad guys have finally decided to attack. Unfortunately,...
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