Don’t worry. The girl across from Erika isn’t a rival. It’s Kyouya’s sister!
The Good
…video games are kind of cool? Meh, probably not. I haven’t really been interested in games anymore these days.
The Bad
It turns out Kyouya’s sister Reika is even worse than he is. She’ll insult him right to his face, but if he dares to say anything in return, she’ll flip her shit. As a result, the guy just takes it, and honestly, that makes his bravado from earlier in the series even more pathetic in my eyes. It’s bad enough that he was picking on someone he supposed loves, but when push comes to shove, he can’t even stand up to his own sister. No, I’m not saying that the guy should deck his own flesh and blood or anything barbaric like that, but c’mon, don’t just let people bull you. Who cares if it’s family? Hell, it’s even worse that it’s family.
Anyway, I half-expected the show to spoonfeed me some tearjerky nonsense about the bishie’s dark past. After all, this seems to be the pattern in lot a of shows. The male love interest will act like a jerk, but the heroine will endure! Oh, she will endure! Then when she finally cracks that stony exterior of his, we’ll all of a sudden learn how his bad behavior is not his fault!!! You can see this in Ao Haru Ride if you’re looking for the most recent example. In any case, I guess you can sort of see the same thing here. Kyouya rarely sees his mother, his dad is always working overseas, and his sister is a goddamn asshole. So maybe the dude never stood a chance!
But nah, we’re ultimately responsible for our actions, so I’m not here to give the bishie any free passes. Anyway, it’s the same familiar story that you’ve probably seen a hundred of times before. Reika spends a day with Erika, because she can’t quite believe that her own baby brother is actually in love with someone. Erika thinks she’s being assessed, but the truth is that Reika just doesn’t think very much of Kyouya. She thinks he’s just being a creep, and as a result, he’s toying with Erika’s feelings. Well, you won’t get any disagreements from me on that front! But right, right… he totally loves her now. Uh-huh. Gotcha.
There isn’t any real conflict here other than that Erika is ready and willing to jump to her boyfriend’s defense. I mean, he’s not going to stand up to his own sister, so I guess someone has to. So naturally, this gets Reika’s respect, so we’ll go even further with this whole “meet the parents” schtick. As such, next week’s episode will have Erika meeting Kyouya’s mom for the very first time. But y’know, Erika actually comes from a loving family. She actually has two parents who are in her lives each and every single day. How come we don’t have Kyouya meeting her parents instead? Shrug. Happy families are boring families, I guess.
Anyway, as the saying goes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so I can’t wait to see what Kyouya’s mom is like. I mean, she’s had a hand in raising two such beautiful children, so she must be a winner herself. And yeah, yeah, this is a shorter post than usual, but I just didn’t have much to say about Kyouya’s sister. It’s just more annoying Sata people.
The Ugly
You guys look like a bunch of aliens.
Kyouya’s sister is a real looker:
And not to channel Seinfeld or anything, but the girl really has man hands:
Naturally, the rest of the characters in this universe doesn’t fare much better:
At the end of the day, however, bad animation is just bad animation. You can laugh at it and just move on. I can’t, however, laugh at the way this show loves to brush off abusive behavior:
What is wrong with you people? How is any of this shit funny?
Filed under: Anime, Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji, Series Tagged: Anime, Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji