Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Ep. 10: Ah hail hypno shoujo
For this post to make any sense, I’ll have to give you guys the basic gist behind the episode. Erika’s birthday is coming up, and she wants Kyouya to give her… love. B-b-but what does that mean?!...
View ArticleShingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Ep. 9: Young people versus fate again
Let’s see what our card game buddies are up to. – Sometimes, the humor works. You initially see this first-person perspective, so you think our heroes are in for a wild ride. But this is all that’s...
View ArticleFall 2014 Harem Hill, Week 10: Tired…
Like the cat, I’m pretty darn tired of these shows. On the bright side, at least the season is almost over. Current Standings Grisaia no Kajitsu: 40+4 = 44 points Trinity Seven: 29+5+1 = 35 points...
View ArticleAkatsuki no Yona Ep. 10: One bishie down, three more to go
My, my, my, what has this bishie been up to? – Ah, the limits of animation. Yun keeps telling us he has good looks, but… I mean, what makes him more handsome than, say, Hak? They all look the same to...
View ArticleEverything Else, Fall ’14, Week 10: Top quality
In response to last week’s question, there were some predictable answers. For example, some of you guys felt I should steer clear of the trashy harem adaptations, but people say this every season....
View ArticleParasyte Ep. 11: There was a hole here. It’s gone now.
Rough day at the office? Yeah, I know how you feel. – We see a couple in a park; he’s a parasyte and she’s not. At first, it didn’t look like he has any intention to hurt her, but when she pulled out...
View ArticleHitsugi no Chaika – Avenging Battle Ep. 10 (Finale): Well, that was dumb
Yeah… just yeah… So Toru finally gives up on being a saboteur. Why? Because Chaika has lost her will to live. As a result, Toru wants to kill Gaz. Unfortunately, Gaz is overpowered so… Hey, why don’t...
View ArticlePsycho-Pass 2 Ep. 10: Let Kogami slap some sense into you
Penultimate episode, you guys. – Oh man, there’s nothing like the sweet smell of exposition to kick off the start of a Psycho-Pass episode! Yes, I can see that Kamui has taken five hundred passengers...
View ArticleShigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Ep. 10: Magical, golden balls
If The Pianist had been an anime, the entire room would suddenly light up with an unnatural sheen the instant Adrian Brody’s character started playing the piano. Glowing, golden balls then appeared...
View ArticleAmagi Brilliant Park Ep. 11: Montages as far as the eye can see
We’re screwed, boys! – So what’s the brilliant plan? What was last week’s good news? It’s so easy! Just host a soccer game! – The problem with this episode is that most of it just isn’t very...
View ArticleGundam: Reconguista in G Ep. 12: Holy space land
No matter what, a pope’s gotta live lavishly. – It’s a good thing we’re keeping Noredo around, because she’s doing such a great job taking care of Raraiya. What’s Raraiya’s problem now? Apparently,...
View ArticleGaro: The Carved Seal of Flames Ep. 11: Bernardo’s weakness
What I continue to admire about this show is its willingness to humanize its villains. Once again, the old adage is true: “An enemy is one whose story we have not heard.” As a result, German literally...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 23: An inconvenient truth
What a sad episode. – Welp, here is Kirito being a genius and everything. This is supposed to be Asuna’s story, but Kirito still has to Gary Stu it up. Here’s the thing, though. If you remove him from...
View ArticleFate/stay night – Unlimited Blade Works Ep. 10: Caster’s master will puncha...
Rin’s bizarre dreams about Archer’s past experiences and how he came to become a Heroic Spirit honestly look like they would make a really cool anime. It’s just too bad we’re stuck in this high school...
View ArticleCross Ange Ep. 11: No more singing, please
Exciting action, shocking revelations, and incredibly bad animation all in one episode! – How does the episode begin? With Sylvia waking up from a nightmare about her most recent encounter with Ange....
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 24 (Finale): The unending epilogue
Wow, that determination on Akame’s face! This is truly the only fitting way to cap off the best episode of the year’s best anime series! – So what does Esdeath think? Tatsumi’s dead because he’s weak…...
View ArticleLog Horizon 2 Ep. 11: Say my name, say my name
All I’m askin’ is for a lil’ respect! – Apparently, Shiroe is doing more shotcalling this time around. The raid member who comes to this conclusion also speculates that the previous wipe has allowed...
View ArticleOokami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Ep. 11: A pair of rotten apples
Don’t worry. The girl across from Erika isn’t a rival. It’s Kyouya’s sister! The Good Uh… …video games are kind of cool? Meh, probably not. I haven’t really been interested in games anymore these...
View ArticleShingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Ep. 10: A disastrous reunion
We ain’t got nothing but broken hearts and crushed dreams for you guys in this week’s episode. – Martinet grins moronically even after he allowed Rita to escape. Actually, what would bug me most is...
View ArticleFall 2014 Harem Hill, Week 11: Hey, cut that out!
Yo, you’re not allowed to pick one of the girls! This is supposed to be a harem! Current Standings Grisaia no Kajitsu: 44+4 = 48 points Trinity Seven: 35+5+1 = 41 points Ushinawareta Mirai no...
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