Ping Pong Finale: Heroes don’t have weak points
Butterfly Joe: “Question for you, Mr. Tsukimoto. What happens when someone goes after a hero’s weak point?” Smile: “Heroes don’t have weak points.” Both Obaba and Butterfly Joe know that Peco’s knee...
View ArticleSidonia no Kishi Ep. 11: Inescapable
G542, the latest Gauna threat, apparently gets its size from wrapping its placenta around a dwarf planet. Even so, the amount of energy required to move that much mass around at “high speeds” is...
View ArticleMushishi Zoku Shou Ep. 10: Death and rebirth
Mushishi takes a break for now with a sleepy, little episode. For the entirety of its runtime, Ginko is the only person to utter a single spoken word. Even then, there are long moments of complete...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 12: Let’s ask Tatsuya what he thinks!
So WordPress just reminded me that it’s Moe Sucks’ five-year anniversary today. I would celebrate the occasion, but I’m stuck watching and writing about Mahouka. Where have I gone wrong? WHERE?! It’s...
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 12: Hopefully, this is the last designer child of the week…
Well, my bad. Since Setsuna had failed to awaken and join the bad guys in last week’s episode, I totally thought we’d dispense with the whole “designer child of the week” narrative structure. I...
View ArticleBrynhildr in the Darkness Ep. 12: Nobody dies
Oh my word, this isn’t even the last episode. Alright, let’s get this over with.Let’s just see how dumb this show can get. – Alright, when we last left off, Ryota finally learned that Neko was his...
View ArticleSummer 2014 Anime Preview: An eclectic mix as always
Hey look, it’s the obligatory seasonal preview post. By the way, Nyoron has come out of hiding to give us her blunt takes on these shows. Yay, I have some help for once! Oh by the way, her opinions of...
View ArticleSpring 2014 Harem Hill, Week 12: Taming the dragon loli one last time
Wow, the dragon loli anime is at least kind enough to wrap its story up in twelve weeks. Unfortunately, the flag anime insists on surviving to see another day. After all, its Matrix-esque plot is just...
View ArticleBlack Bullet Ep. 12: Rentaro and Kagetane sitting in a tree
Just two BFFs running to punch Gastreas together. From wanting to destroy the Tokyo Area to teaming up with Rentaro to save it. That Kagetane is one silly fella. – Oh good, they both scream out the...
View ArticleEverything Else, Spring ’14, Week 12: Nice guys finishing first
A few shows came to an end this week, so let’s take a look at how they wrapped up. Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou Ep. 12 (Finale) Yeah, this is pretty much how these crappy romances end. Not with a bang,...
View ArticleNo Game, No Life Ep. 12 (Finale): Setting up shop for the sequel
Well, the season finally comes to an end, but Madhouse would be dumb to let the sequel slip out of their fingers. . Oh sure, I don’t like the show, but I’m not blind. The show has been a surprise hit...
View ArticleHitsugi no Chaika Ep. 12 (Finale): Fake-outs galore
Man, what an exciting aerial battle between two gigantic, floating fortresses. Now kiss! Alright, alright, time to get serious. Or is it? See, I’m just copying Hitsugi no Chaika‘s fake-out style of...
View ArticleM3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 10: Bro envy
Yo, this is why you don’t want to have unprotected sex with random partners. Tch, that crotch rot. On a more serious note, I honestly found my mind wandering during Akashi’s first encounter with the...
View ArticleSidonia no Kishi Ep. 12 (Finale): Only a 79% casualty rate!
“Tanikaze… It’s you who gets all the special gear again, huh? It’s not fair.” Well, that’s because Nagate’s nearly perfect. Seriously, if you take a step back and look at his character arc, our hero...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 13: The girls are in first place? More like...
Oh good, another lopsided score because this anime doesn’t seem to understand that keeping things close makes sports seem more exciting. Sometimes, blow-outs do happen, but… but wait a minute! This is...
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 13: Fancy illusions
I gotta admit that Kumiko had some guts. Nevertheless, I’m sorely disappointed Baku’s story ends the way that it does. It’s no different from any of the other designer children (minus Setsuna…...
View ArticleBrynhildr in the Darkness Ep. 13 (Finale): Hit that reset button!
This is it. This is the final Byrnhildr in the Darkness episode. Let us see this anime off properly. – So first things first, the Hexenjagd fellas have given up hope and are just content to sit there...
View ArticleBlack Bullet Ep. 13 (Finale): Add lolis and stir vigorously
Oh boy, it’s Moe Sucks’ 1000th post extravanganza! And what do you guys win? A wrap-up of Spring’s worst series! Congrats! – The dumbest thing about Takuto’s betrayal isn’t even the fact that he’s...
View ArticleSpring 2014 Harem Hill, Week 13: Wrapping up the terrible flag anime
After thirteen arduous weeks, we’re finally going to see off the final harem of the season. In fact, let this be Spring ’14′s last post ever (continuing series don’t count). Keep reading to see how...
View ArticleFree! Eternal Summer Ep. 1: Pretty uneventful
Well, I never did get around to watching the first season of Free! Nevertheless, it did win the poll, so I’ll do what I’ve got to do… to a point. If the anime somehow turns out to be the most boring...
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