M3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 11: Please save my kokoro
This may or may not be the last dedicated post that this anime gets. If something turns out to be more interesting in the upcoming slate of Summer shows, I may just relegate M3 to the weekly...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Ep. 1: Monstrous rebirth
So I’m watching this innocent, little boy — but shockingly enough, this anime’s main character is actually a freshman in college — go on a date with a girl. He thinks everything is nice and wholesome...
View ArticleShirogane no Ishi: Argevollen Ep. 1: Bland
This episode’s biggest problem was that I kept finding myself pausing it every so often so that I could, well, do anything else. Browse Reddit, listen to sports radio, watch League of Legends streams,...
View ArticleRail Wars! Ep. 1: Boobs on rail
I-I-I was told this would be an anime about trains. I also didn’t realize the war part in Rail Wars! would be quite so literal. Apparently, however, these kids will be kicked out of the academy if...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 1: We have to go back… to talking
But still, the VRMMO world needs you, Kirito! Oh, you’re a girl now… And there’s another girl with you that isn’t Asuna. Hm. Hah, joke’s on the new girl, though. Why would you fight a swordsman...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 14: Where’s the magic?
The “Crimson Prince” moniker has potential… if it had been a nickname for a vampire or something. But “Cardinal George?” Seriously? Did Curious George finally hit puberty or something? Hmm, nah,...
View ArticleAldnoah.Zero Ep. 1: Echoes of Japan’s past
Asseylum and Eddelrittuo (yeah, the spelling for these names are going to be annoying to memorize) share an interesting conversation midway through the episode.But for the conversation to make any...
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 14: Our mahou shoujo goes berserk
A vacation, huh? Where’s the sense of urgency, though? Baku is yet another designer child that has fallen into the clutches of the Kiltgang. Sure, our Midsummer’s Knights have managed to quell the...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 1: Dead, tortured villagers and a catgirl
Throughout the first episode, the story repeatedly hammers home the point that the capital city is one messed-up place. Tatsumi, our initially doe-eyed protagonist, thinks he’s going to find a job in...
View ArticleAo Haru Ride Ep. 1: Do the right thing
Futaba keeps going on and on about how Kou has changed, but I’m like, “Hey, I like his new personality!” Okay, maybe I wouldn’t have come right out and call Futaba’s relationship with her friends...
View ArticleEverything Else, Summer ’14, Week 1: Keep your eyes on the prize
This week, I’m covering more shows than I normally would. After all, it’s the start of a new season, so why not try as many of these forgettable shows as we can? Needless to say, I probably won’t keep...
View ArticleHal: Beautiful but flawed
The movie works and it doesn’t work. But before I explain what I mean by this, let me just say that this post assumes you already know what the big plot twist is. If you don’t, then you probably...
View ArticleTerror in Resonance Ep. 1: The cycle of abuse
I’d say Terror in Resonance started off with a bang, but that’d be a little too corny, wouldn’t it? Nevertheless, the story is off to an exciting start, to say the least. As wary as I am about the...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Ep. 2: Between two worlds
Mother, please… this is highly inappropriate. The OP all but confirms that Rize will maintain a strong presence throughout the story. She’ll continue to play the role of the seductress as she tries to...
View ArticlePersona 4: The Golden Animation Ep. 1: Positively overpowered
“Even familiar landscapes will reveal a different kind of beauty if you change your viewpoint,” says Margaret in the anime’s cold opening. Gee, I wonder what she’s getting at. In any case, a post on a...
View ArticleRail Wars! Ep. 2: An explodingly good time
Wow, really? A terrorist attack in this anime as well? Well, alright then! The more the merrier! Unfortunately for our heroes, they have to stay behind and watch over Tokyo Station. But hey, all sorts...
View ArticleTokyo ESP Ep. 1: Are you a bad enough shoujo to save the Diet?
That’s right. Thanks to some evil-doing, hostage-taking espers, the National Diet Building has taken to the skies. Apparently, this season is all about grandiose scenarios. More specifically, it’s all...
View ArticleShirogane no Ishi: Argevollen Ep. 2: Blah
Um, is this a joke? I mean, it has to be, right? If our hero hadn’t disobeyed orders in last week’s episode, Jamie would be dead. Not only that, he’d have no fancy mecha to pilot, which is pretty much...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 2: Action girl takes aim
And we’re back with more SAO action! Hey, don’t laugh! There’s going to be some action in this week’s episode! Right after we do some talking, but there’s going to be some action, I swear! – I thought...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 15: More blow-outs! More!
Man, they just look so cool, don’t they? When we last left off, it turns out First High will need Tatsuya to compete anyway. Oh sure, his engineering genius has single-handedly won the girls so many...
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