Aldnoah.Zero Ep. 2: Massacre
Not a very thought-provoking episode this week, but it’s okay. Not every episode has to be thought-provoking, and there will be plenty of time deal with “what it all means.” That is, if Aldnoah.Zero...
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 15: Our princess awakens
Well, I’ve lost faith in Captain Earth, so it’s back to my stream-of-consciousness style blogging that I do for the lesser anime series. – Akari reads online that a lot of people actually want the...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 2: I caught a tuna in Reno just to watch a man die
Damn, what a touching, solemn moment. It’d be a shame if we were to ruin it with some comedy hijinks… Oh, would you look that? Boobs! I guess we simply have another Akame ga Kill! episode on our...
View ArticleAo Haru Ride Ep. 2: Gain one friend, lose two friends
“Oh? But it doesn’t fit with my character.” I guess the main reason why I’m watching this show is because the main character isn’t a Mary Sue. Sure, she’s pretty, but it’s anime, so everyone is...
View ArticleSummer 2014 Harem Hill, Week 1: “I will be thine scabbard.”
Is it that time of the season already? Is it time for yet another series of Harem Hill posts? Luckily for me, there only seems to be two shows to write about this season in the strictest sense of the...
View ArticleM3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 12 & 13: The unbearable suckiness of being
I skipped M3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane last week, simply because I didn’t feel like covering the show. I don’t think I missed much of anything. When I last left off, Akashi was determined to re-enter the...
View ArticleTerror in Resonance Ep. 2: Tragic irony
“The police have concluded that this was not an accident, but an act of terror,” says a reporter, “and have announced that they will do everything they can to find the truth.” But what is the truth?...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Ep. 3: Masks and identity
Ghouls find it necessary to wear two masks, a metaphorical one in public, and a physical one in combat. The metaphorical mask is actually a human mask. Every ghoul has a human mask, even the evil,...
View ArticleRail Wars! Ep. 3: Oh, just some minor animation mishaps…
I was afraid it would come to this: Rail Wars! blew its load way too quickly. This week’s story involves some missing person’s case, but it’s not even interesting enough to command an entire episode’s...
View ArticleTokyo ESP Ep. 2: Something about power and responsibility
So this entire time, you think some guy has been stealing precious artifacts from museums across Japan. In fact, you have eyewitnesses claiming that he’s the perpetrator. One day, however, the primary...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 3: More like Real World Onli-… wait a minute…
Yay, it’s Saturday again! So you know what that means! That’s right! We’ll be spending time with our favorite SAO characters as they proceed to spend time in the… uh… real world… – I like how Sinon’s...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 16: ACTION LINES!
Hey, hey… Tatsuya would never let his boys go into a fight unprepared, right? That’s why Leo and Mikihiko will have to put on their robes and wizard hats. And with that, welcome back to another...
View ArticleAldnoah.Zero Ep. 3: The rats strike back
Well then… the cat is certainly out of the bag. Despite what the screenshot above might suggest, however, Trillram will not be the one to go after Asseylum, seeing as how he is unceremoniously...
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 16: The sunflower finally blooms
What would a mecha show be if we didn’t constantly introduce new mechas? Therefore, meet the Flare Engine (as well as Aiatar’s shiny posterior)! Who’s going to be piloting it, you ask? Well, there’s...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 3: Our assassins putting in a hard day’s work!
Despite what you see in the screenshot above, I’ll have you know that Mine is a very hardcore assassin! – You know the anime won’t be any good when its good guys are running through the woods like a...
View ArticleAo Haru Ride Ep. 3: Half & half
The problem with Ao Haru Ride is that I’m just not interested in any of its generic high school antics. Honestly, the first half of the episode actually had my interest piqued. Kou finally apologized...
View ArticleSummer 2014 Harem Hill, Week 2: Let’s set both of these shows on fire
Another week, another slate of harem anime episodes to watch. But before we get started, let’s take a look at last week’s poll results. Boy, would you look at that… Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance pretty...
View ArticleM3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 14: Two girls get naked and bond
Dear lord, it looks as though the animation budget has been slashed even more, but we’re only at the 14th episode. Oh well. I have nothing else to blog about on Wednesdays, so let’s just keep trucking...
View ArticleEverything Else, Summer ’14, Week 3: Some shows are already beginning to choke…
Yay, it’s time again to rank all the shows I’ve watched in the past week. Y’know, just for fun. 21. Rokujyoma no Shinryakusha!? The most boring thing I’ve watched in the past week. Hell, the most...
View ArticleTerror in Resonance Ep. 3: Tit-for-tat
Mukasa wonders out loud, “Anyway, don’t you think Sphinx is lonely, too? They probably just want attention.” It’s funny how the most clueless guy in these stories will typically to hit the nail right...
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