01/31/14 Odds & Ends: Get off
Well, we certainly trimmed a lot of the fat. And from the looks of Silver Spoon, there’s plenty more waste to dispose of! * * * * * Gin no Saji S2 Ep. 4 Episode summary: They compete in a horse...
View ArticleWinter 2014 Harem Hill, Week 5: Seize the opportunity!
Today, we embark on a quest to get a girl to smile. After all, it’s like a crime or something if a girl isn’t always smiling. * * * * * Nourin Ep. 4 The first half of the episode is actually (sadly?)...
View ArticleNoragami Ep. 5: The pitfalls of being jobless
I’m a bit lukewarm about this episode. I can see what it’s trying to accomplish, but at the same time, a large part of it is rather dull and uneventful. Episode summary: When Yato refers to Nora as...
View Article02/03/14 Odds & Ends: Real talk
So much real talk. * * * * * Nobunaga the Fool Ep. 5 Episode summary: Nobunaga insists on using his War Armor to launch a pre-emptive attack on Takeda, but Nobuhide continues to resist. After learning...
View ArticleToaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta Ep. 5: A moment of deep contemplation… in the sky!
I’ll admit the second half of this episode is okay. Having said that, onto the summary and notes. Episode summary: Kal and Claire get a little bit closer during a camp out on the beach. We then learn...
View ArticleBuddy Complex Ep. 5: Protect your imouto at all costs!
You wouldn’t want her to lose an arm and a leg, would you? Episode summary: The crew takes advantage of its downtime to haze poor Aoba, forcing him to scrub toilets and such. In the middle of one of...
View Article02/05/14 Odds & Ends: Hamanari Konkon
Just some quick thoughts on two shows before we hit the big day of the week. Hamatora Ep. 5 Episode summary: Everyone — including the girls — ends up at an onsen for various reasons. Out of nowhere, a...
View ArticleKill la Kill Ep. 17: Rebellion
…round of applause, everybody. Round of applause. Okay, that’s good enough. By the way, I jot these notes down as I’m watching the show for the first time. So of course, what I write at the beginning...
View ArticleSamurai Flamenco Ep. 16: In defense of Guillotine Gorilla
At one point in the episode, a hungry, exhausted Masayoshi is almost tempted into stealing a bun from a bakery. “But wait a minute,” you might naturally remark, “Masayoshi didn’t go through with it....
View Articlepupa Ep. 5: Mommie dearest
We should use the last few lines of the “episode” to put everything into context: “When I’m in pain, I know I’m not dreaming. I don’t need nice friends or gentle lovers. So, Shirou-san, please… won’t...
View Article02/08/14 Odds & Ends: Golden Magic Wartime
Just gotta learn to deal with it. Yeesh, only two shows left. Maybe I should add Nagi no Asukura to the mix next week… * * * * * Golden Time Ep. 17 Episode summary: At a party, Linda wonders if...
View ArticleWinter 2014 Harem Hill, Week 6: Drown yourself in man love!
Despite what the image above says, don’t get your hopes up. In any case, I want to speed these Harem Hill posts up some. No, it’s not that I want to slack off and cut corners. Rather, I think the...
View ArticleNoragami Ep. 6: Use me…
…’til I can get my satisfaction. Episode summary: Yukine is still depressed over last week’s events, so he runs off yet again. At the mall, he realizes that nobody can stop him from stealing, so he...
View ArticleToaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta Ep. 6: Cooking ramen in the sky!
After last week’s semi-cliffhanger ending, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta‘s bound to deliver with the goods this week, right? Right…? Episode summary: The leaders of Isla learn from a captured pilot that...
View ArticleBuddy Complex Ep. 6: Third wheel
Wow, since the Coupling System is such a huge success, let’s add another generic face to the cast! Annnnd that about sums up this episode. Seriously, nothing happened. Episode summary: The cat’s...
View ArticleWizard Barristers Ep. 5: Get Out of Jail Free
Sometimes, it really feels as though Wizard Barristers is cheating. Something just bothers me about how the whole episode played out. Let’s see if I can get to the bottom of it. Everyone’s got magical...
View ArticleNobunaga the Fool Ep. 6: Another one bites the dust
We all knew he had to die at some point. It’s just history, man. Episode summary: Nobunaga continues to be MIA as the day of his father’s funeral draws near. During the funeral itself, the...
View ArticleInari, Konkon, Koi Iroha Ep. 5: Sad shoujos at the beach
Well, you’ve done it now, Inari. It wasn’t even your power to begin with! You can’t just go passing it around like a blunt! Episode summary: Inari and her three friends go on a vacation to the beach....
View Article02/15/14 Odds & Ends: Golden Magic Wartime
…w-why? Probably the two worst shows of the season outside of the Harem Hill nonsense. Golden Time Ep. 18 Trust me, buddy… I would if I could. Episode summary: It looks as though Koko’s slowly going...
View ArticleNoragami Ep. 7: Beating a dead horse
Has the show’s true villain finally appeared? Episode summary: Guess what? Yukine runs away yet again. Kazuma, one of Bishamon’s many Regalias, warns Hiyori that if Yato doesn’t get rid of Yukine,...
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