Wizard Barristers Ep. 6: Even lawyers have to deal with fanservice
Oh look, a Mezzo Forte cameo. Episode summary: Cecil gets yelled at for incurring fines through her constant use of magic. On her day off, she stumbles upon a hostage situation, and gets taken as a...
View ArticleBuddy Complex Ep. 7: Ruined for marriage
Oh my, the Coupling potential… Episode summary: Both the Imperial Army and the National Army of Zogilia are in hot pursuit of Cygnus. Meanwhile, Elvira lectures our pretty boys on the dangers of...
View ArticleWinter 2014 Harem Hill, Week 7: I wish it was all just a dream
But no such luck for me. Alright, alright, here’s the belated update. * * * * * Nourin Ep. 6 Actually, this was a boring episode about the students taking advantage of both otaku and fujoshi interests...
View ArticleToaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta Ep. 7: RIP
Very gallant, Mitsuo. Very gallant. But unfortunately, the anime has done you a disservice. I really feel for these two; I really do. They were relatively nobodies in the story until the narrative...
View ArticleInari, Konkon, Koi Iroha Ep. 6: Today, we are all Canadians
Oops, I didn’t mean to stereotype my neighbors of the north. I’m sorry. Episode summary: Inari almost grants Akemi her wish, but pulls back at the last second. She confesses to her friend that she was...
View ArticleKill la Kill Ep. 19: Get naked
It is the only way to clear your conscience. Episode summary: The COVERS begin to assimilate their human victims, which causes everyone to flee in terror. Unfortunately, Mako gets caught by one of the...
View ArticleMahou Sensou Ep. 7: What’s your name, girl!
Oh my… Episode summary: Takeshi’s sword is giving him bad dreams. Not only that, it’s also sapping him of his “magical” energy. By the way, his sword is a shoujo — a pink-haired shoujo. Heh. So...
View ArticleNoragami Ep. 8: Quarantine
Always use protection, kids. Episode summary: Yato shows up at Hiyori’s school because his latest client is a bullying victim. He then gives the kid a pair of box cutters in case the latter wants to...
View ArticleWizard Barristers Ep. 7: A whole lot of nothing
Raspberries. Episode summary: Butterfly Law Office is heading to Boston so that they can share their knowledge and experience with another law firm. Cecil then takes a trip to Canada. Natsuna is...
View ArticleToaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta Ep. 8: Pew pew… in the sky!
Welp, sucks to be that guy. Episode summary: Kal and company take off to defend Isla, but they are outnumbered and suffer heavy casualties as a result. Claire tries to help, but she still can’t...
View ArticleNobunaga the Fool Ep. 7: Yay, it’s the return of The Man Show!
Woman, please… can’t you see I’m busy watching my shows? Episode summary: Nobunaga wants to get to the bottom of his brother’s death, so he decides to walk right up to Lord Shingen and ask if the...
View ArticleWinter 2014 Harem Hill, Week 8: Totally not cute
She’s right, y’know. She’s not cute at all. I’m going to streamline these posts for my own sanity. From now on, I’ll just try to highlight the stupidity in these shows instead of doing detailed...
View ArticleBuddy Complex Ep. 8: Hot spelunking action
After winning Dio’s affections, Aoba must now turn his attention to a new conquest: the courtship of Yumihara Hina. I hope you’ve braced yourself for tons of lurid shots of Hina’s cleavage. Episode...
View ArticleSpring 2014 Anime Preview: ‘Tis the season to be NEET
Why bother doing a preview post on the upcoming anime season when everyone else is also doing one? ‘Cause I’m special! Anyway, here’s a chart courtesy of Neregate if you need that sort of thing. The...
View ArticleInari, Konkon, Koi Iroha Ep. 7: What is love?
Baby, don’t hurt me! Seriously, you have to stop. It’s illegal. Episode summary: Inari and Kouji are supposed to be lovers in some play, but when Inari finds out she had accidentally used her divine...
View ArticleSamurai Flamenco Ep. 18: The correct pronounciation is Flamwenco
This is pretty much “Masayoshi Grows Up, the Episode.” That’s basically it. I normally wouldn’t weave an episode recap into my analysis, but I think I kinda have to for this week’s write-up. The...
View ArticleKill la Kill Ep. 20: Existential crisis
Damn, look at the paint job on that bike. Episode summary: Mako tries to reason with Ryuuko, but the latter refuses to listen to anything that anyone has to say. She hates herself and intends to fight...
View ArticleMahou Sensou Ep. 8: Sibling love…
…sibling love everywhere. Episode summary: Gekkou enrolls at Subaru Academy and reconciles his oniichan. Meanwhile, Takeshi gets a brief course in Wizard Brace’s deep, dark past. Notes: • Just look at...
View ArticleWinter 2014 Harem Hill, Week 9, Nisekoi Edition: Hatsukoi
Can you guess who ends up falling in love with whom this week? I bet you can’t! Before we begin, I’m going to try something new this week. I want to split the posts up so that I don’t feel as though I...
View ArticleWinter 2014 Harem Hill, Week 9, Everything Else Edition: Are you not...
Is the utter humiliation of the girls in these shows not why you’re here? Nourin Ep. 8 If you were ever like, “Man, what has Becky been up to lately?” then this is the episode for you. There’s our...
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