Aldnoah.Zero Ep. 11: Time to turn the tables and invade the enemy’s base
Is this the second to last episode for the anime’s first cour? I think so… – I know the start of the episode overlaps a bit with last week’s episode, but I want to touch on this anyway. The princess...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 11: Another pointless distraction
Once more with passion… not really. – Right off the bat, it looks as though Leone was stabbed in the throat by one of the bad guys, but shows like Akame ga Kill! are very predictable. If the anime was...
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 24: Puck throws his hat into the ring
Yeah, I’ve seen Uranus before, and this is definitely not it. Good call, Akari. – Apparently, our heroes have stumbled upon Hyperion, which is one of Saturn’s many moons. Y’know, if they where this...
View ArticleAo Haru Ride Ep. 11: Exploitative
There’s really not much to say with regards to the first nine or so minutes of the episode. It’s like a sadness bomb just exploded in my room. Yeah, we see a flashback of a younger Kou struggling with...
View ArticleSeirei Tsukai no Blade Dance Ep. 10: Biotruths
We’re only up to episode ten, guys. There are possibly two more weeks of this nonsense left to go. – Kamito meets up with Fahrenfart for their little study date. Just the mere mention that he saw her...
View ArticleEverything Else, Summer ’14, Week 11: Fool’s gold
I’m starting to see the finish line, you guys. And I’m just so excited to see all those harem shows coming up next season. But we still have unfinished business here, so let’s get back to the matter...
View ArticleM3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 22: Get serious
Yeah, I can’t take this seriously if Tsugumi’s just going to stand there and flash the audience like that. As if I haven’t questioned the show’s judgment enough, it feels the need to give us...
View ArticleTerror in Resonance Ep. 10: Nuclear option
Five didn’t win. Last week’s episode was all about forcing Twelve to betray Nine. She wanted Nine to feel isolated and, more importantly, betrayed. She even figured that Twelve might be too ashamed of...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Ep. 12 (Finale): Embrace your mother
Well, I wish we had gotten this week’s episode last week. What then would we do with this week’s episode? Who knows. Maybe tie up some loose ends since this episode is all about Ken. Nearly everything...
View ArticleRail Wars Ep. 12 (Finale): Naoto’s homecoming
Phrasing, Haruka, phrasing! And yeah, I usually start these posts off with the eyecatches at the end of each week’s episode, but it didn’t really make much sense this time around. After all, this is...
View ArticleTokyo ESP Ep. 11: A talking bird saves the day
I guess believability isn’t one of Tokyo ESP‘s primary concerns. A few weeks ago, the bad guys scored a complete victory over Rinka and her friends. Minami and company stormed the school, beat Rinka...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 12: So what does it mean when the bullets touch?
A-1 Pictures made me watch Kirito and Sinon sit in a cave and talk my ears off for more than an episode, and this is the “payoff?” This is the best you could come up with for the pivotal fight scene...
View ArticleMahouka Koukou no Rettousei Ep. 25: Wherein removing the Gary Stu’s limiter...
Hint: she did nothing. But that won’t stop the Gary Stu from praising the Mary Sue! – So the episode opens with the Crimson Prince blowing people up with his magic spells. And by blowing people up, I...
View ArticleAldnoah.Zero Ep. 12 (Finale): Inaho makes a terrible plumber
See, you’re supposed to save the princess from the castle, not drag her there and get yourselves both killed! But seriously though, one has to wonder if anyone’s truly dead. After all, this is just...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 12: Simply putting me to sleep
Uh-oh, Akame ga Kill! is trying to be funny again. – We haven’t met the other recruit yet, have we? Well, her name’s Chelsea (what a boring name), and she looks like she just stepped out of a shoujo...
View ArticleCaptain Earth Ep. 25 (Finale): The… end?
Deep breaths… deeeeeeeeeeeep breaths… alright, I’m finally ready for the Captain Earth finale. Wish me luck! – So, uh, it’s one of those moments where the bad guy explains everything to the good guys...
View ArticleAo Haru Ride Ep. 12 (Finale): Let’s rant about romance
So uh, I guess this show’s over too. For some reason, I thought that this would be a two-cour series. Can you really blame me, though? We haven’t gotten anywhere. There are still so many unresolved...
View ArticleSeirei Tsukai no Blade Dance Ep. 11: The team comes together and nobody cares
I always forget that this anime started late, so as a result, it’s only on its eleventh episode. And you know what that means: after all of the season’s better anime will have come and gone, we will...
View ArticleM3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane Ep. 23: The Lightless Realm keeps trucking on
The show still isn’t over! Why is it not over? She can’t keep getting away with this! – The Akashi-Heito duo saves the day for all of about thirty seconds, then the latter goes back to being the same...
View ArticleRe: Hamatora Ep. 12 (Finale): The magical otouto
How can the good guys just accept Art into their group with open arms? Are you kidding me? Sure, he isn’t directly responsible for any of the deaths all series long, but he still aided Freemium in...
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