Psycho-Pass 2 Ep. 5: Funny games
Mizue asks Kamui why he wants her Hue to be clearly so badly. He replies that he wants her to have her own will. But if you think about it for just a tiny second, it doesn’t seem like she has any...
View ArticleGundam: Reconguista in G Ep. 7: Holding pattern
I didn’t like this episode too much. It felt a little too disconnected from what we just saw. I mean, what was the point of having Bellri kill Dellensen if it doesn’t amount to anything? What was the...
View ArticleAmagi Brilliant Park Ep. 6: Wasted chance that I’ve been given
Kanye’s looking to hire more people, which seems harmless enough. Seems. All of a sudden, Fiddy’s feeling all inadequate again; the girl has a serious self-esteem problem. Maybe Kanye should just give...
View ArticleShigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Ep. 5: Self-identity is for chumps
I’m taken some anti-vomiting medication. Let’s hope it lasts the entire episode. – What does the cold opening tell me? That Tsubaki has always been a jerk who needs to have things done her way. But as...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 18: A-1 Pictures gives up
New arc, you guys. And if this first episode is anything to go by, it’s even worse the previous two. – Did these girls log into a video game just to do homework? I’m all for the idea that virtual...
View ArticleCross Ange Ep. 6: Momoka is worthless
Yep. – This is supposed to be fanservice. I don’t even know what to say. – Orange-haired girl still hates Ange, so she pulls out a screw from her cleavage to throw at our heroine’s head. That can’t be...
View ArticleFate/stay night – Unlimited Blade Works Ep. 5: Every girl wants to kill Shirou
Surprise, surprise… Ayako has gone missing. And people were really trying to tell me that that conversation she had with Shirou wasn’t suspiciously out of place. C’mon, I’ve seen enough of these...
View ArticleShingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Ep. 6: Cost-cutting
Hm, finally a middling episode at best from this series. There are plenty of missed opportunities in this week’s episode. When I saw all those knights on dragonback pursuing our heroes, I was hoping...
View ArticleGaro: The Carved Seal of Flames Ep. 6: Breaking bad
People don’t always fall under the influence of Horrors because they are inherently evil. Sometimes, people will give up their humanity just to right some wrong — just to achieve some sort of justice...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 19: These feelings of mine~!
Alright, alright. Here’s the belated Akame ga Kill! post. – So what have I learned in the first five minutes? Suzuka is in love with Esdeath. Cool. Then Susanoo prepares everyone’s favorite meals....
View ArticleAkatsuki no Yona Ep. 6: Spice up your life with a fancy new haircut!
Alright, let’s see if I annoy anyone with my views on the show this week. Of course, I don’t set out with the goal of being a contrarian. It just always turns out this way. I also find it funny that...
View ArticleLog Horizon 2 Ep. 6: You ain’t never had a tomodachi like me!
This episode lost me. I watched that scene with Akatsuki and Shiroe on the beach probably like four times. I was trying to see if I could glean anything interesting from their conversation. Nope. Not...
View ArticleOokami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Ep. 6: Throw a love triangle at it
Enough’s been said about Kyouya and his inexcusable behavior. Likewise with Erika. I’d just be repeating myself if I keep dissecting our lovebirds’ actions. So to cover that part of of the episode,...
View ArticleParasyte Ep. 6: Matricide
Seeing the nearly dead and lifeless Shinichi on the floor, Migi concludes, “My only option is to merge myself with his heart.” In other words, even though Shinichi’s body had recently undergone some...
View ArticleHitsugi no Chaika – Avenging Battle Ep. 6: War-obsessed
More Chaika shenanigans. And I’ll get to Harem Hill one of these days. I just need to find time in the schedule to watch five painfully terrible episodes. – Hartgen seems mad. Put him down for yet...
View ArticlePsycho-Pass 2 Ep. 6: Violent video games
Let’s see what our buddies in the MWPSB are up to this week. – The ensuing action scene reminds me how silly it is for Akane to be wearing a skirt out in the field. A pencil skirt, no less. – Is the...
View ArticleFall 2014 Harem Hill, Week 6: The much belated hareming
Well, this week’s entry is way overdue, but hey, I didn’t exactly ask to get the flu. Because I’m so far behind, I won’t be as detailed in this week’s Harem Hill entry. Things will return to normal...
View ArticleAmagi Brilliant Park Ep. 7: Piracy woes
What are we going to do tonight, Brain? The same thing we do every night, Pinkie! Fix the amusement? What? No! We’re going to take over the world with T&A! It feels like every week’s an exercise...
View ArticleShigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Ep. 6: Lovelorn
Yeah, I’m going to keep watching this series. Not much else to watch on Fridays. Plus, have you guys seen the upcoming shows for the winter season? It’s pretty slim pickings. – Why does every episode...
View ArticleGundam: Reconguista in G Ep. 8: Meet the parents
This is going to be another short post because I don’t really know what to say about the story. It seems to be advancing as a snail’s paced, which is evident by the fact that the first half of this...
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