Parasyte Ep. 4: Loneliness
Let’s try this format since the reception for the other format hasn’t been too hot. – The “action” at the start of the episode is rather disappointing. Everything’s a blur because they’re supposedly...
View ArticleHitsugi no Chaika – Avenging Battle Ep. 4: Some mysteries are perhaps better...
Top notch quality. Well, if you were looking for answers, this episode won’t scratch your itch. The revelations that we’ve been waiting for all this time just aren’t very juicy. It turns out there’s an...
View ArticlePsycho-Pass 2 Ep. 4: Heavy-handed
Well, this is the first episode to disappoint me quite a bit. Let’s just get right to it, formats be damned. – Old man: “The medicine you get here keeps your Hue under control. But at the same time,...
View ArticleGundam: Reconguista in G Ep. 6: Point of no return
It’s funny how every episode so far has had at least one person coming to tears. But I rather like Gundam: Reconguista in G‘s latest offering. Not only was the battle against Dellensen pretty...
View ArticleAmagi Brilliant Park Ep. 5: 99% slapstick
This week’s episode is pretty much 99% slapstick and 1% drama. In way, this is… okay, I suppose. If you screw up drama, it can turn out pretty badly. Terrible drama can be a huge turn-off. On the...
View ArticleShigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Ep. 4: The ends justify the means
After last week’s debacle, this show can’t get any worse… right? – Ah, the episode kicks off with a flashback with Kousei’s mom just to remind you that he was a victim of abuse. Then afterwards, we...
View ArticleGaro: The Carved Seal of Flames Ep. 5: Carrying your mother’s legacy
No wonder Leon and Alfonso are foils. They’re cousins! Luckily, I don’t have to worry about cousin-love rearing its ugly head in this anime. In any case, most of this week’s episode is told from...
View ArticleTerra Formars Ep. 6: Underutilizing the elements
How do I even blog this episode? I’m not sure that I can. But I guess I’ll give it one more shot. If next week’s episode is more of the same, however, I guess I’ll just have to drop the anime from my...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 17: More glory for the Gary Stu
Alright, alright… let’s see how Kirito goes about wielding that dumb sword you see in the screenshot above. – Yo, is Yui practically an extra party member or what? I don’t think other players have a...
View ArticleFate/stay night – Unlimited Blade Works Ep. 4: The exposition strikes back!
Aaaaand we’re back to being boring. – Wut. – And of course, the midget girl gets naked. Anime. – Illya’s reasoning for not defeating her opponents when she could have? “Killing them right away...
View ArticleCross Ange Ep. 5: Ange’s obedience training
Fun fact: out of all the wonderful shows this season, Cross Ange gets the most views for this blog! Amazing, isn’t it? Don’t worry. Parasyte is in second place, and it’s followed by, uh, Madan no Ou...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 18: More pointless characters
It’s a race between Akame ga Kill! and Terra Formars to see who can bore us more with terribly unimaginative fight scenes. Let’s see what the former has to offer. – The episode starts off with Tatsumi...
View ArticleLog Horizon 2 Ep. 5: Chrismas is ruined
For most of the episode, everyone’s hunting for the serial killer, but Enheart is proving to be quite elusive. And as expected, he’s a People of the Land character. More specifically, he’s a rogue...
View ArticleOokami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Ep. 5: Caring is creepy
Yeah, yeah, a lot of you guys said I should just write about Mushishi instead, but hey, the bad shows pay the bills. No, blogging isn’t my day job, but hey, a man could use a sandwich every once in a...
View ArticleShingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Ep. 5: Strange bedfellows
It’s like an anime’s version of Yoshi’s Island. But as expected, Favaro and Rita go on a rescue mission to save both Amira and Kaisar. To enlist Bacchus’s help, Favaro even gets rid of his special...
View ArticleFall 2014 Harem Hill, Week 5: Therapy at its finest
Read on to see how our harem lead becomes an expert therapist overnight! But first, the standings: Grisaia no Kajitsu: 15+5+1 = 21 points Ushinawareta Mirai no Motomete: 14+3 = 17 points Madan no Ou...
View ArticleAkatsuki no Yona Ep. 5: Strike a pose
Who’s actually watching this show with me? Anyone? Anyone at all? Bueller…? – I guess it’s supposed to be an ongoing joke that Heang-dea is dead even when he’s clearly not. Haha? In any case, he got...
View ArticleEverything Else, Fall ’14, Week 5: Truncated
Feeling a bit under the weather at the moment. As a result, we’ll keep things simple this week. Not ranked: Mushishi Zoku Shou, Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen, Gundam Build Fighters Try, Shirobako,...
View ArticleParasyte Ep. 5: Can’t be a momma’s boy forever
I feel like passing out, but the show must go on. – At the start of the episode, a parasyte gets into a car accident, and as a result, it needs to swap bodies with the man next to it. I suspect that...
View ArticleHitsugi no Chaika – Avenging Battle Ep. 5: Chaika, Chaika, Chaika!
Ugh, now they’re twice as annoying.Well, there’s usually nothing to never anything to discuss with these Chaika episodes, so let’s blog this one with “pretty” pictures. I like how easy it is for our...
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