Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon? Ep. 2: Great sacrifices
Well, she’s not wrong. — Usually, the shounen hero works his way up accompanied by blood, sweat and tears. But we haven’t got time for that. We haven’t got time for the prototypical shounen hero, so...
View ArticleShokugeki no Soma Ep. 2: Haught cuisine
Your dish is like bathing in an onsen with a gorilla!!! Le random~~~~! Anyway… — This week, we are formally introduced to Erina, the haughty character who possesses a “God Tongue.” Yeah, that’s right....
View ArticleShokugeki no Soma Ep. 3: Where’s the beouf?
Well, it’s time to introduce the other character. If Erina’s going to be the hard-to-please battle-axe, then we need a meek, delicate flower to counterbalance that. As a result, meet Megumi. Nice,...
View ArticleIs It Wrong to Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon? Ep. 3: Unconditional love
So the kid became an “adventurer” because his grandpa died. Did he really die, though? They say he died, but they also said that Bellri couldn’t search for his grandfather’s body. But whatever. He’s...
View ArticleFate Something or Other Ep. 14 & 15: Decisions, decisions…
Hehehehehe… Poor guy, though. He poured his heart out in last week’s episode only to get an “I don’t exactly hate you” in return. But this is that tsuntsun nonsense that people love so much, right?...
View ArticleShokugeki no Soma Ep. 4: Holy mackerel
Me too, buddy… me too. Anyway, if you haven’t watched the episode (or you’re not going to), the context here is that our hero’s making his way to the dorms. On the way there, he spots a giant...
View ArticleFate Something or Other Ep. 16: A possessive Shirou
It’s one of those episodes. It’s one of those episodes where people just stand around and talk. And the best part is how smug people will get if you complain about it. Ohmygod, god forbid people have...
View ArticleShokugeki no Soma Ep. 5: Mouthfeel
It’s time to c-c-c-c-cook! By the way, we’re still cooing over apron dude’s Spanish mackerel and spring cabbage dish. Soma’s particularly impressed by how well the cabbage-based puree seems to go with...
View ArticleFate Something or Other Ep. 17: There she goes
There’s some fighting in this episode. Amazing, I know. The anime looks great for the most part. There’s no doubt about that. What really puts it over the top are the goofy-looking characters. The...
View ArticleIs It Wrong to Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon? Ep. 4 & 5: I need a pick-me-up...
Yep, that’s our hero. Every step of the way, he’s watched by pairs after pairs of protective feminine eyes. An adventurer? Nah. An adventurer would have more gumption to do what he or she wants....
View ArticleKnights of Sidonia S2 Ep. 1-4: Uninspiring
The second season of Sidonia bores me, but that’s bound to happen to any story that loses two of its major characters. Nagate is the first biggest loss. He is noticeably missing in action. Oh sure,...
View ArticleOre Monogatari!! Ep. 1-5: Not quite there
Sure, looks aren’t everything. That’s a nice message to send to the kids. But would this show still exist if the genders had been swapped? Okay, okay, that might just be my cynicism talking! I can’t...
View ArticlePlastic Memories Ep. 2-5: One tiny oasis in a barren wasteland
Shows like these are the most infuriating, ’cause you know they can be good, but… they’re just not. The only time the anime has ever gotten my interest is during this little exchange: Tsukasa: “Hey,...
View ArticleArslan Senki Ep. 2-5: Good god, y’all
I’m not quite sure what to make of this anime. I suppose I don’t dislike it; I don’t find it very disagreeable. At the end of the day, however, it’s just not very exciting. I can watch it on my...
View ArticleShokugeki no Soma Ep. 6: Bowled over
This is still a cooking show, but don’t worry. I’m sure you can find a doujinshi where the Meat Master truly wants to do it. In the meantime, however, we’re going to keep cooking. As a result, she’s...
View ArticleIs It Wrong to Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon? Ep. 6: I cast the first stone
Urrggggggggggggggh. Usually, you’re supposed to want to see or hear a character’s backstory. Usually. As soon as the episode started playing, however, it was like all the energy got sucked out of me....
View ArticleFate Something or Other Ep. 18: The princess is in another castle
It’s my favorite time of the week: watching and writing about Fate something or… other… yay… — To take stock, Archer had just killed Caster and her Master, and now he’s ready to kill the one person he...
View ArticleKnights of Sidonia S2 Ep. 5: Ughhhhhhh…
This is the most groanworthy episode yet. — Nagate rushes to Izana’s side, and she’s seriously injured. You can tell, because the monitor says “Serious Injury.” And yet, we don’t get to see any of...
View ArticlePlastic Memories Ep. 6: Character-driven, schmaracter-driven
I knew this would happen if Plastic Memories wouldn’t focus on the big picture. Being a character-driven anime is fine. Being a character-driven anime that features the same, boring anime characters...
View ArticleArslan Senki Ep. 6: Episodic limitations
Do I enjoy a good war story? I can’t really say with much certainty. History in general has never really been my favorite subject. I did enjoy Howard Zinn’s writings, and yeah, I listen to Dan...
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