Steins;Gate 0 Ep. 7: The party finally begins
Welp. — Wanna know what could’ve prevented this? Not letting Rintaro give up on saving Kurisu. But had we done that, we wouldn’t have this awesome spinoff with copious amounts of plot! Damned if you...
View ArticleMEGALOBOX Ep. 8: Sibling rivalry
Yo, that’s no way to talk to your imouto. — News of Joe’s forfeiture has reached Fujimaki, and the mob boss is not the least bit happy. I expected that. What I didn’t expect was for Sachio to tag...
View ArticleWotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Ep. 7: Top or bottom?
Why not just take turns? — Oh hey, we finally get an MMORPG-inspired episode. I was wondering when that would happen. I’m just hoping for some good jokes. One of Wotakoi’s primary problems is that it...
View ArticleTada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Ep. 8: Under the stars
This is it, boys. — We’re going camping this week, because they want to take pictures of a clear, night sky. And something, something, naked woman. Honestly, Pin-senpai doesn’t even feel like a real...
View ArticleDorei-ku The Animation Ep. 7: Basic backstories are basic
The show wants us to feel bad for the kid, but I don’t care. I don’t care at all. — Pfft, this show can only wish that it has anything as interesting as a game of chess (and I don’t even like chess)....
View ArticleRecord of Grancrest War Ep. 20: Love worms its way to victory again
Now kiss! — Looks like we’re gearing up for war. But as usual, Theo intends on playing a defensive game. He won’t engage Marrine’s army until his Union buddies show up, and even then, I doubt he’s...
View ArticleBeatless Ep. 19: Don’t believe her lies
As it turns out, supermodels are truly the most dangerous people in society. — As a bit of a recap, Snowdrop is causing mayhem downtown, so Arato wants Lacia to put a stop to this. Unfortunately, his...
View ArticleMahou Shoujo Site Ep. 8: What a plot twist
So can we get this guy arrested for indecent exposure or what? — Anyways, welcome to the obligatory beach episode, ’cause what goes better with tortured mahou shoujos than bikinis? — Not a good look,...
View ArticleDARLING in the FRANXX Ep. 19: The truth behind everything
I hope you’re prepared to learn more about Dr. Franxx than you ever wished to know. — Dr. Franxx isn’t happy that the sages screwed with Kokoro and Mitsuru’s memories. He even mutters to himself,...
View ArticlePersona 5 The Animation Ep. 8: The real deal
Time to wrap up Yusuke’s arc. — I like how the calling card made a crumpling noise like it was just any random piece of paper. — Geez, you think they overdid it a bit with the placement of the...
View ArticleMy Hero Academia Ep. 46: Operation Save Bakugo is underway
It’s the start of a new arc, so I expect the story to be a little unexciting for the time being. We need time to put the pieces in place for the next big showdown between the good guys and the bad...
View ArticleSword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Ep. 7: Another useless loli
The only thing worse than watching a loli is watching two of them. — So yeah, Miyu magically lucks into a rare GGO avatar as well. Funny how that works. It’s such a shame, too. I actually think her...
View ArticleDevils’ Line Ep. 8: BDSM, voyeurism, AND nipple play?
Gosh, all of our kinks are finally coming to surface! — It’s apparently a big deal that Anzai can undergo a complete transformation without drinking blood. I guess such things are possible when your...
View ArticleCaligula Ep. 8: A useless episode about Ike-P
I’m really not feeling it. Not only am I dealing with a cold, this is probably the worst episode of Caligula yet. Just don’t expect this post to very good. I’m tired, but I really wanna stick to my...
View ArticleGolden Kamuy Ep. 8: This show can’t get enough of its boners
I thought we were done with boners after Tetsuzou died, but boy was I wrong! — I thought the old man wanted to revive the Shinsengumi. It now turns out he wants to create a new nation. I think you...
View ArticleKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 9: No consequences
Nobody ever gets in trouble in this world. Nobody. I bet you could kill someone and even get away with it. If I seem snarkier than usual, it’s because I’m still dealing with a cold. — Don’t you think...
View ArticleEverything Else Pt. 8 (Spring ’18)
I don’t really have the energy for this, so this post will probably suck. 3D Kanojo Real Girl Ep. 9 Everyone sucks here, but Sumie’s a special kind of terrible for trying to go after someone who is...
View ArticleSteins;Gate 0 Ep. 8: Whoops, I got it wrong
What a gut punch for an ending. We knew best girl wouldn’t be around to stay, but did they have to make her departure so bittersweet? But I get it now; I finally understand the story that Steins;Gate...
View ArticleTada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Ep. 9: Love fever
Everyone catches it at some point. — So we pick up where we last left off, and Alec wants to know if Teresa has actually fallen in love with Mitsuyoshi. The red-haired girl already knows the answer...
View ArticleMEGALOBOX Ep. 9: Too close to the sun
From the side, those tubes connected to Mikio’s Gear almost look like wings, don’t they? But this is fitting. After all, he resembles Icarus, the foolish child who dared to fly too high. Mikio had Joe...
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