Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Ep. 8: Why does it have to be so difficult?
This week, Hirotaka and Narumi both realize that they’ve never actually, well, gone on a date as a couple. At best, they only ever hang out. Isn’t that odd? Dating is not difficult. One of the...
View ArticleDorei-ku The Animation Ep. 8: Winning hearts with one slave at a time
Eia versus the Creepazoid. It’s the battle of the century! — So the big get now is the star guy. Every master shows up as a circle, but this guy is special so he gets a star! No doubt it’s the evil...
View ArticleRecord of Grancrest War Ep. 21: Et tu, Aishela?
How nice of our heroes to stand in one straight line. — Now that the three major factions have stopped fighting each other, we need a new enemy: the Mage Academy. It’s an all-out war between them and...
View ArticleMahou Shoujo Site Ep. 9: Someone finally bites the dust
Looking good there, Kaname. Let’s find out how it got to this point. — Yakuza Girl takes everyone to her home, because it’s the safest location they know. But honestly, you need magic to defend...
View ArticleMy Hero Academia Ep. 47: What a big mess we’ve made
Well, since there’s no DARLING in the FRANXX this week, I suppose I’ll get started on My Hero Academia first. — I dunno if it’s the subs or if Aizawa just doesn’t want to be combative, but I feel...
View ArticlePersona 5 The Animation Ep. 9: Hot for teacher
Like Makoto, Sadayo is so close to being the best girl. What a shame. — C’mon, Ren… a Slime? You recruited a Slime? You know it has two elemental weaknesses right? While we’re on the topic, there are...
View ArticleSword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Ep. 8: Taking out the trash first
The show really wants us to believe that Pito is a dangerous psychopath, but I can’t shake the fact that she’s probably just a bored idol in real life. Ah well. — So the tournament begin, and the new...
View ArticleDevils’ Line Ep. 9: Revenge of the rapist professor
Oh man, this show is just full of twists and turns. — Essentially, Sawazaki is no longer in charge of his team. Instead, this guy will be leading the F Squad. Yay, more new characters to add to the...
View ArticleCaligula Ep. 9: Heel turn?
Oh no Ritsu, what are you doing? — Looks like the PS4 remaster of the game isn’t doing so hot in Japan. 20,000 copies is pretty low for a debut, isn’t it? I doubt it’ll get localized, but what do I...
View ArticleKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 10: Meandering mess
Oh, do they also have ugly pugs in the hidden realm too? — Are these supposed to be croissants? This reminds me that I haven’t had a good croissant in a long time. They’re not easy to master, so it...
View ArticleGolden Kamuy Ep. 9: Boner killer
This time, Sugimoto needs to put down a raging boner with his own hands. It’s harder than you think. — There are few things worse than going to the bathroom and finding a dead body in your toilet....
View ArticleEverything Else Pt. 9 (Spring ’18)
Other than Hinamatsuri and Hisone to Maso-tan, the rest of these shows are kind of a drag… but I may as well finish what I started. 3D Kanojo Real Girl Ep. 10 Hikaru finally does what he should’ve...
View ArticleSteins;Gate 0 Ep. 9: Trust nobody
Not even yoursel–… wait… — Rintaro wakes up to find himself in a hospital. According to his friends, he had collapsed at a party along with Nakase. It’s odd that it’s just those two. Is this implying...
View ArticleMEGALOBOX Ep. 10: Preparing to die
Win or lose, Joe and Nanbu can’t escape their troubled pasts. — For some reason, the mob boss doesn’t want Joe to continue any further. He only wanted the kid to reach Megalonia. I hope we find out...
View ArticleWotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Ep. 9: Finally, a real date
First date at the amusement park, huh? I actually haven’t been to an amusement park in decades. I don’t think there’s one anywhere near me, so it’s not even an option for dates. Anyways, onto the rest...
View ArticleTada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Ep. 10: Slow on the uptake
It must be hard to be a dense teenage boy. Over and over in this week’s episode, Tada is on the verge on falling for Teresa, but he can’t quite get there. And even if he could, it’s not like he would...
View ArticleDorei-ku The Animation Ep. 9: More dumb characters
Eia is the least bad thing about this show, right? And that is precisely why we’re going to spend this entire week on two (arguably three) new characters. Yay! — Meet Gekkou, the guy in the...
View ArticleRecord of Grancrest War Ep. 22: There goes the Holy Grail
This is the episode where Priscilla finally makes herself useful by dying. — Y’know, the evil pope man isn’t wrong. The Lords do fight all day and night. I’ve been told, however, that the people...
View ArticleMahou Shoujo Site Ep. 10: More flashbacks than you can shake a (magical)...
It figures that after last week’s action-packed episode, we’d spend the vast majority of this week’s episode twiddling our thumbs. I hope you like crybaby Aya telling you how much she’s going to...
View ArticleMy Hero Academia Ep. 48: Old fogeys going at it
I woke up early, so let’s get this show out of the way first. — Bakugo isn’t the only person to magically disappear in front of the heroes. All of the villains slip out of their grasp as well. I...
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