My Hero Academia Ep. 51: Dorm invasion
I put this week’s episode off until today, because I kinda knew it would be about nothing. Sure, it’s a fun episode for longtime viewers, but honestly, nothing really happens. You could skip this...
View ArticleWhat I watched today: Island & Hanebado!
The first show on our docket is an adaptation of a visual novel by the name of Island. After watching the first episode, I laughed, I cried… well, I mostly laughed and not in the good way. Apparently,...
View ArticleKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 14: Aoi is so stupid
We pick up where we last left off: Ranmaru, the manager at Orio-ya, has come to retrieve his employees. But that’s not all, folks! All of a sudden, the Orio-ya airship is bathed in a golden light....
View ArticleEverything Else: Wrapping up some of the lesser Spring ’18 shows
Just ’cause I have to. Hisone to Masotan I was really disappointed by how the show ended. You either go for the bittersweet conclusion where someone dies and we all cries buckets of tears, or you go...
View ArticleHow Not to Summon a Demon Lord Ep. 1: Yawn
The problem with shows like How Not to Summon a Demon Lord is that they’re only good for the doujins that they’ll inevitably inspire. The real deal is sadly and dreadfully boring. Once the novelty of...
View ArticleBanana Fish Ep. 1: Curiosity killed the cat
How do you get guys to read a yaoi manga? Just mix in some drugs, blood, and violence. I don’t think there’s any doubt that Ash and Eiji will eventually share an intimate bond. After all, no one else...
View ArticleShichisei no Subaru Ep. 1: Déjà vu
I almost don’t wanna mention AnoHana, because everyone else is certain to bring it up, but I almost have to, don’t I? Our story begins with Haruto, our bog standard anime hero, being approached...
View ArticleWhat I Watched Today: Too many shows to list
Don’t worry about the cute bird. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Angels of Death Ep. 1 Welp, that’s a lot of blood for one bird. But don’t worry, ’cause we can fix it right up. See? All better. Anyways, the...
View ArticleDARLING in the FRANXX Ep. 24 (Final): Uh…
They really did it. They really went and gave us a 24-min denouement. Last week’s episode was the climax for sure. As for this week’s episode, it is practically nothing but one long and mostly...
View ArticlePersona 5 The Animation Ep. 14: More Makoto and cleverly disguised recaps
More Makoto? Sure. Don’t mind if I do. — It’s Akechi 24/7 for the adaptation, and I guess I don’t mind it so much. The anime does a better job of portraying Akechi’s cult of personality. You know he’s...
View ArticleWhat (Else) I Watched Today: Planet With & more
A-are we the baddies? Planet With Ep. 1 First, let’s say a word or two about our hero. Soya is an amnesiac, so he can’t remember much about his past. In his dreams, he sometimes sees a massive battle...
View ArticleIsland Ep. 2: Inane
Now that the story has gotten settled in, it’s proven itself to be quite dull. Once again, Rinne insists that she step outside into the sunlight. She has “soot blight syndrome,” so the sun will kill...
View ArticleHanebado! Ep. 2: Nice smash
For once, I get to use the word “smash” in conjunction with a show full of high school girls and not sound like a pervert. — The match between Ayano and Nagisa is underway, and our lefty is winning...
View ArticleKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 15: Time is a flat circle
I can’t believe we’re doing this all over again. I keep checking Crunchyroll or Amazon to see if they’ve gotten the rights to something new and exciting to watch, but nope. Just Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi...
View ArticleEverything Else Pt. 1 (Summer ’18)
Short post this week, but that’s because I’ve already the first episode for a lot of these anime series. As a result, I’m going to take the opportunity to get some of the logistics out of the way. In...
View ArticleBanana Fish Ep. 2: Chipping away
As I’m watching this episode, I’m reminded of a quote from Hemingway that I’ll never forget: “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not...
View ArticleShichisei no Subaru Ep. 2: MMORPGs are serious business, y’all
It’s one thing for your childhood friend to magically come back to life only as an MMO avatar. It’s another thing for the entire server to fight over her as if she’s the one ring to rule them all....
View ArticleHarukana Receive Ep. 2: Yay for moral victories?
Haruka and Kanata simply have to score a single point against their opponents to win. Sounds easy enough, right? — According to a flashback, Kanata quit the sport because she kept freezing up during...
View ArticleMy Hero Academia Ep. 52: Another long training session
I like the new OP much more than the last one. But hey, My Hero Academia is back after a short, one-week hiatus. Welcome to the post-DARLING in the FRANXX world! — Uraraka is such a Genki Girl. I...
View ArticlePersona 5 The Animation Ep. 15: Enter the hikikomori
Obviously, the shut-in would be an adorably nerdy redhead with cute glasses. Oh yeah, she’s also an imouto in spirit to boot. Boy, who wouldn’t want to waifu that?! — The episode opens with the main...
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