Double Decker! Doug and Kirill Ep. 7: Pour one out for an old friend
This is really an episode about Doug and his quest for vengeance, but I guess we should address the Valery Vrubel thing for a bit. — Kirill tells the girls that he would’ve been truly shocked had his...
View ArticleThat Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Ep. 6: It’s destiny
Welp, we finally get to meet the generic isekai heroine. — Oh hey, the three schmucks that let Rimuru out are finally back from exploring that dark cave full of nothing (’cause slime boi ate...
View ArticleOther Monday Shows (05/11/18): Akanesasu Shoujo Ep. 6 and more…
For some odd reason, Asuka wants to go to the beach even though it’s practically winter. But hey, since these girls can travel to parallel dimensions, there must be a fragment where the weather is...
View ArticleRun with the Wind Ep. 6: Checkmate
In the end, it turns out that King is just tsundere. — The episode opens with Shindo particularly worried about King, but the latter continues to isolate himself from the rest of the group. Granted,...
View ArticleSeishun Buta Yarou Ep. 6: Slaying Laplace’s demo
Welp, you heard her! If you’re gonna do it, at least try to keep it a secret! — When Sakuta gets to school, he spots Tomoe and her friends giggling about him. Needless to say, his stunt near the end...
View ArticleBanana Fish Ep. 18: Love is stupid
Apparently, Ash isn’t invincible. As seemingly infallible as he has been all series long, the kid won’t even try to oppose his former mentor. Just the pure realization that he’s up against Blanca is...
View ArticleKishuku Gakkou no Juliet Ep. 6: Some cheats are good, some cheats are bad
Yeah, sure, we got a giant coliseum on campus. What? You guys don’t? Pfft, peasants. — Romio only has one thing in mind: win MVP in order to command Juliet to call him by his first name! Egads! The...
View ArticleIrozuku Sekai no Ashita kara Ep. 6: Trip report
Don’t do drugs, kids. Or do do drugs, ’cause man, the visions you’ll get… — Chigusa’s artistic rendition of Yuito’s experience with Hitomi’s star-sand is the best. It’s like he’s tripping out on...
View ArticleGoblin Slayer Ep. 6: “Gee Goblin Slayer, what are we doing tonight!”
“Same thing we do every night, Priestess!” — Hmm, this doesn’t look good. In fact, am I still watching the same show? Who is this girl and why does she look like some heroine from a happy-go-lucky...
View ArticleSword Art Online – Alicization Ep. 6: Exposition as far as the eyes can see
Oh boy, time for an episode that is drier than a Wikipedia article. — Basically, Kirito suffered brain dam–… uh, even more brain damage, and as a result, modern medicine can’t cure his stupidity. But...
View ArticleSSSS.GRIDMAN Ep. 6: I knew I wanted answers, but…
…maybe this is going a bit too far. But like I always, I’ll start from the beginning of my notes. — It’s the same ol’ story: bad things happen, but nobody ever remembers anything. The Gridman...
View ArticleUlysses – Jeanne d’Arc to Renkin no Kishi Ep. 6: Cupid’s cruel arrow
This would almost be metal if it wasn’t so censored. — Montmorency and Jeanne eventually reach Orleans, where they find the French army being partly commanded by a trap. Why? Because Charlotte is a...
View ArticleDouble Decker! Doug and Kirill Ep. 8: Y-yeah, who even likes parties!
N-not me! — Right off the bat, we see that Max used to have long hair, but she felt the need to cut it at some point. For what it’s worth, I think her current hairstyle is cool. — After the OP, we...
View ArticleTsurune Ep. 4: Did someone hit me with a sleep arrow?
‘Cause this episode is putting me to sleep. — Masaki doesn’t like onions? Well, I’m already not a fan of him. — Again with the broad shoulders and tiny heads. Everyone looks like the goombas from the...
View ArticleThat Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Ep. 7: Are we overpowered?
I think we are! Also, we can finally cross off “Saving the cute girl from herself and thus acquire her eternal loyalty” from the quest log. — Apparently, Shizu was summoned by a demon lord… a demon...
View ArticleOther Monday Shows (12/11/18): Akanesasu Shoujo Ep. 7 and more…
Naturally, Chloe learns the true meaning of friendship and ends up saving the day. You just can’t focus too much on the details or else the premise starts to fall apart. Like what exactly is the point...
View ArticleRun with the Wind Ep. 7: Not even close
It’s the team’s first official meet, and non-runners aren’t the only ones who have to face reality. Midway through the race, Kakeru decides to shoot for first place, and he almost pulls it off… at...
View ArticleSeishun Buta Yarou Ep. 7: Doppelganger
One super smart friend isn’t good enough? Now you gotta have two? Well, be careful what you ask for. In Dostoevsky’s The Double, the main character also encounters a doppelganger of himself — a double...
View ArticleBanana Fish Ep. 19: For his love
It’s kinda amazing how hard these men are fighting for Ash’s attention. Unfortunately for them, it already belongs to Eiji. — One thing that kinda irks me about the show’s art direction is how...
View ArticleKishuku Gakkou no Juliet Ep. 7: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Man, everyone’s getting Thanos’d these days. Freakin’ millennials! — We pick up where we last left off, so Romio and Juliet are about to have their “epic” final showdown. He had promised her earlier...
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