Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara Ep. 7: Take your time
Well, I guess it’s time we learn a thing or two about the side characters. And as you can probably tell from the screenshot above, this week’s spotlight is on Kurumi. — Right off the bat, we’re told...
View ArticleGoblin Slayer Ep. 7: Flirting with death
But death is such a tease and never puts out. — Despite having just rummaged around in the sewers, the only person who wants to bathe is Priestess. I find Elf Girl’s excuse particularly odd. She...
View ArticleSword Art Online – Alicization Ep. 7: Back to made-up fantasyland
Yeah… you got that right. — The episode opens with Eugeo dragging Kirito out of bed. They’re at some swordcraft academy — literally a giant school just for swordcraft? — and it looks like they’ve...
View ArticleSSSS.GRIDMAN Ep. 7: Castle in the sky
More surprises await our heroes. Hm, now I kinda wanna rewatch that Studio Ghibli film. — After last week’s major revelations, Yuta tries to fill his friends in on what he’s learned, but of course,...
View ArticleUlysses – Jeanne d’Arc to Renkin no Kishi Ep. 7: Montmorency falls in love
Oh look, the main character is haunted by his failure to save his waifu. It’s okay, dude. Like with Goblin Slayer, it’s not a matter of if but when. When will Jeanne return to the story? Maybe not...
View ArticleDouble Decker! Doug and Kirill Ep. 9: Sextuple Decker
Hm, sextuple doesn’t quite have the same ring as double — no neat alliteration — but the team pretty much needed everyone to pull their weight in this week’s episode. — Apple has new toys for the...
View ArticleThat Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Ep. 8: And just like that, she’s...
Oh good lord. — So Shizu isn’t doing so hot. It looks like eating Ifrit won’t save her. Plus, she’s been alive for decades. Maybe she simply looks young on the surface, but her body is shutting down....
View ArticleOther Monday Shows (17/11/18): Just Akanesasu Shoujo Ep. 8 today
For the first time since the start of the series, the girls don’t go hog wild and immediately dive into yet another fragment. So instead, we get an episode that more or less sets the stage for what...
View ArticleSeishun Buta Yarou Ep. 8: Two Rios, one quick-fix solution
The only cute things about this show are the cats. — Sakuta returns home to find Cute Rio cooking curry in a lab coat. And of course it’s curry. If you watch nothing but anime, you’d think that curry...
View ArticleKishuku Gakkou no Juliet Ep. 8: When lolis attack
In this week’s episode, we’re going to focus on these two new girls, Kochou and Teria. Now, they’re prefects, which sounds like a big deal, but I still expect at least one of them to end up falling in...
View ArticleIrozuku Sekai no Ashita kara Ep. 8: Staying put
Can you really just live in the past forever? — Kohaku tells us about the first time she used magic. I dunno, magic still seems cool in this universe, but less cool at the same time, y’know? It feels...
View ArticleGoblin Slayer Ep. 8: Oh hey, would you look at that
Goblin Slayer is still alive. Shocker. — But before we continue on with the story, we get to watch as our hero’s former master physically and verbally abuse him. The guy reminds Goblin Slayer over...
View ArticleSword Art Online – Alicization Ep. 8: Kirito in tears
Being separated from all his waifus have finally gotten to him. Don’t you feel sorry for Kirito? — Everyone is here to watch some dude beat up on a trainee. I guess there’s not much in terms of...
View ArticleSSSS.GRIDMAN Ep. 8: Born to worship
Y’know, I’ve been railing on these characters’ passivity, but what if they were made this way? Would this still be a cop-out? But if Rikka is incapable of hating Akane, then why wasn’t everyone...
View ArticleUlysses – Jeanne d’Arc to Renkin no Kishi Ep. 8: What is this? Sleeping Beauty?
Well, it’s a good thing they didn’t need to keep Jeanne’s body from rotting or anything, ’cause the first fridge won’t be around for quite some time. — Oh, the Escalibor is supposed to be the...
View ArticleDouble Decker! Doug and Kirill Ep. 10: Kirill is apparently very smart
He just seems to lack any ounce of common sense. — But we’ll have to start from the very beginning, so we see the military head honcho from last week’s episode approach Travis with a proposal: why...
View ArticleThat Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Ep. 9: New buddies
And they are quite horny. — I see that the pacing hasn’t picked up. The goblin village is still a work in progress. Meanwhile, Rimuru continues to experiment with his abilities, and discovers that...
View ArticleAkanesasu Shoujo Ep. 9: All is lost
Too bad this isn’t a longer series. The events in this week’s episode probably needed two or maybe even three episodes to cover. But unfortunately, it all gets jammed into one rushed package, so the...
View ArticleSeishun Buta Yarou Ep. 9: Sister trouble
Usually, when a girl needs help (which is pretty much all the time), Mai will step aside so that Sakuta can focus all his time and (emotional) energy on said girl. So are we going to follow the same...
View ArticleKishuku Gakkou no Juliet Ep. 9: Romio’s date with Char
They even shop for lingerie together. No wonder he looks so happy. — But jokes aside, Juliet’s birthday is coming up, so both Romio and Char are chomping at the bit to buy her the perfect present....
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