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Cross Ange Ep. 11: No more singing, please


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Exciting action, shocking revelations, and incredibly bad animation all in one episode!

– How does the episode begin? With Sylvia waking up from a nightmare about her most recent encounter with Ange. The little girl then thinks, “She won’t come back, will she?” Well…

– We then see Julio in bed with Riza Rundog. He even calls her “Mama.” Hoo boy, I can’t wait to hear the explanation behind this one. But that’s not all, folks! We see her drip some sort of purple liquid from her fingernails and into Julio’s mouth. Ugh, please don’t tell me that the guy is only being manipulated. Please don’t tell me that this asshole can be redeemed.

– Wait, don’t change the channel just yet! Not only is Riza screwing and manipulating the crown prince, she also has… wings? Are they dragon wings? Bat wings? Is she a succubus? Shrug, stay tuned, I guess. She has a devil-like tail, which she uses to choke out Silvia for walking in on hers and Julio’s sexy times, so for now, I’m going to guess succubus. She then asks Julio to open a singular point. Huh…

– Can’t roll my eyes any harder at this. So does she hate Ange or what? Is she scared of Normas or what? Oh, the show’s defenders will probably say that the little girl’s just confused, but I sure as hell didn’t see any confusion in last week’s episode.

Fancy food for prisoners, but I’m sure I’ve mentioned this complaint before in a previous post.

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– Man, the show has never looked great, but the budget is in the shitters this week. Even at moderate distances from the audience, the characters’ faces are all over the place.

– Apparently, they’re not even letting Ange and Hilda bathe.

– Yep, the animation is in the absolute shitters… Hell, the best-looking thing in the entire episode thus far has been the OP and that hot pot. Likewise, Salia looks absolutely hilarious. Oops, I meant “pretty and awesome.” Yep, “pretty and awesome. So awesome, I don’t even know where her face ends and her right ear begins.


– Salia’s all, “They called me onee-sama. Am I that old already?” Uh, I’m pretty sure they’d call any girl older than them “onee-sama.”

– We get a flashback about some “new” character that Salia had looked up to. Yes, “new.” Her name’s Alektra, okay?

– Ahhhh, I know this is supposed to be a sad moment, but I just can’t stop laughing at how these characters look.

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– The generic people in the background are the best. They’re just doing their best to keep their eyes on the Villkiss. “Don’t look up. Oh god, don’t even move an inch. This is so awkward right now…”

– Oh man, we’re back to square one. Everyone had just become friends too, but thanks to Ange’s prison break, Salia’s back to hating the girl’s guts. Blah blah blah, she’ll never hand the Villkiss over to Ange… except for the part where Ange has already been piloting it, has already excelled with it, and uh… am I missing anything else? Oh yeah, it’s not even Salia’s call! Yay! Just more hate between these girls for the sake of artificial conflict. There isn’t even a good reason for Salia to want the Villkiss for herself so badly. She looked up to Jill–… I mean, Alektra, and…??? Is that it?

– All of a sudden, a singular signature opens up right above Arzenal. Singular signature, singular point… the point is, Julio and that succubus is involved somehow. Emma Bronson then walks into the room and is like, “We didn’t even get a call.” I bet the poor dragons are not even trying to invade this world at all. They’re probably being dragged here for some sick purpose (I know someone out there keeps insisting that the dragons are being used as food, but eh…). I guess all we can do now is wait for Ange to realize this and thus team up with the dragons, then together, they can fuck some Light of Mana shit up.

– This poor girl’s face is just three circles within an oval.

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– Yep, that’s what lesbians do. They just have sex all day.

Neato. They’ve got weird tongues, though.

– Out of nowhere, the dragons stop attacking as this para-mail emerges from the singular point. Everyone then hears a song from the para-mail. If you’re not actually watching the show and are just following it through my posts, I’m sad that you can’t hear the amazingly terrible bit of singing. Anyway, the para-mail then goes Super Saiyan on us and kamehamahas away half of Arzenal.

– I like how the anime shows us the key to Ange’s cell, but it serves no purpose. Momoka can just use her magic to free her master.

– Jill orders Salia to stick Ange back in the Villkiss, which just prompts more angst from the twin-tailed girl. Blah blah blah, “Am I not good enough?” At this point, I’m tired of her whining. I want her to climb into the damn thing and fail already so we can move on from this pointless subplot.

– Sweet. She’s going to do it. Just fail so we can put this whole, sordid business behind us.

– Ange ends up hitching a ride on Hilda’s back in order to get her para-mail back:

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But of course, Salia remains stubborn. Just let the girl fail. I want to see her fail.This is what you get for having such a huge attachment to some machine without any good reason whatsoever. Seriously, she just wants to Villkiss because she had promised Alektra that she’d own some dragons with it. That doesn’t cut it. You can own dragons in any goddamn para-mail. This is just drama for drama’s sake.

– Oh good, she failed. Now let’s never speak of this again.

– For such an action-packed episode, this one looks pretty bad… just pretty bad.

– How embarrassing for Salia. Not only did she screw up in front of everyone, Ange literally gets to ride her ass.

– Yeah, there was no other way to remove the girl from the seat. Just deal with it!!! This is a smart anime about discrimination!

– Meanwhile, the only thing that Hilda can contribute to this scene is a bunch of shocked expressions and “Huuuuuuh!!!” utterances.

– I love how Ange hasn’t much to eat for the past week, but she can still totally push the Villkiss to its limits.

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– The enemy para-mail is thus forced to fall back and use its amazing island-obliterating powers on Ange and just Ange alone. But right before this can happen, you get to hear that crappy song again! Guess what Ange does next. C’mon, just guess!

– If you said, “Do a sing off to counter the enemy para-mail’s song, you’re absolutely correct!”

– I love all these shots of Ange’s cleavage, ass, and crotch as she sings her heart out. Really puts her performance into perspective.

– We’re in The Matrix! Ange’s the one!

– So the Villkiss also goes Super Saiyan thanks to Ange’s singing…

– … and it’s a goddamn DBZ episode all over again. Sweet! No wonder the girls are half-naked!

– Ange proceeds to have a telepathic conversation with the enemy pilot. Apparently, she just sang “the true Star Song.” Both girls proceed to see visions of their past lives. They used to be enemies. They used to be lovers. Apparently, they’re bound to each other by some red string of fate. I don’t even know anymore, man. I don’t even know…

– And with that, the enemy pilot just leaves. Okay.

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– After all those ridiculous revelations, the rest of the episode feels pretty irrelevant. Apparently, they lost some important “plant,” but whatever. I’m way past the point of caring, and I’m sure we’ll find out all about it next week anyway. As such, I’m just going to end the post here.

Filed under: Anime, Cross Ange, Series Tagged: Anime, Cross Ange

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