Wow, that determination on Akame’s face! This is truly the only fitting way to cap off the best episode of the year’s best anime series!
– So what does Esdeath think? Tatsumi’s dead because he’s weak… and yet, there’s still this strange pain in her heart? What could it be?!
– The people in this universe are so unlucky, because the idiots got all the superpowers. Everyone had just spent the entirety of last week’s episode dodging the boy emperor’s laser, because it’s his duty to keep the millennium-old kingdom in tact, and of course, there’s no better way to do that than to kill your own people.
– And now? Esdeath wants to wipe the entire kingdom out because it’s… weak? Because her hunt continues? Well, that’s what she says, anyway. She is also heartbroken over Tatsumi’s death, so that could be the real issue. Still, her motivations are dumb either way.
– Najenda’s only contribution? Giving Akame the orders to kill Esdeath, which the girl was going to do anyway. Thanks, boss!
– Nevertheless, the final battle comes down to Akame and Esdeath. What happened to the rest of the Revolutionary Army? Esdeath froze them all in a wall of ice. Welp.
– Knowing what Esdeath is capable of, she should’ve been able to flatten Akame right off the bat. But like every villain ever, she has to toy with her foe. Why? It’s because we can’t be assed to come up with a different way for the good guys to win other than to take advantage of the bad guys’ arrogance.
– Oh please, don’t start engaging Esdeath in a conversation about her motives. This can’t possibly be a fruitful endeavor. She won’t have anything interesting to say.
– That’s how compelling the conflict is in this final episode! “Everyone deserves to live!” “Nuh-uh!” Good debate, people. Good debate. Let’s keep it rolling.
– People have been like, “Well, I’m here just to watch action, and I got it so I’m satisfied!” Sure, whatever floats your boat, man. But honestly, that’s so meaningless to me. Action without the proper context is nothing. I mean, this is an anime series, and as such, any action within it is really just a means to an end; a battle is just a way to tell that all-important story. And without a good story, a duel between two of the main characters — no matter how important those characters supposedly are — ultimately means nothing to me. Seriously, I may as well watch anyone else fight. We watch any particular duel for what it represents, i.e. the conflict between the two fighters. The action is really just an externalization of the competing philosophies between the two sides. If the action was really an end in itself, however, I may as well just watch the amateur stuff that you can find anywhere on the internet.
– The weak has no right to stand before Esdeath, but she nevertheless wanted to recruit Akame just earlier in the episode. In fact, if Akame had actually joined Esdeath, the latter would’ve treated the former so well. It’s just idiotic.
– Well, Esdeath should’ve destroyed Akame when she had the chance. It’s too late now. Akame cuts herself with her own sword, which… uh, makes her demonic or something? So now she’s faster and stronger out of nowhere. There’s no real drama here. We’re just watching one power level bar attempting to overtake the other one.
– Akame manages to stab Esdeath’s left arm, so the latter chops it off. Woo.
– It’s pretty uninspired choreography. Just one combatant appear and disappearing around the other combatant, because this is the only possible way to convey superhuman speed.
– Esdeath finally uses her time-freezing abilities, but ah ha! Akame somehow manages to “leave” behind an after image of herself. This fools Esdeath long enough for time to start rolling again. As such, Akame gets in a critical hit. The truth is, the after image was just… Esdeath’s own delusion!!! Haha, whatever. The only way to beat one overpowered ability is to pull something ridiculous out of your ass, i.e. Esdeath seeing things because she so desperately wants to kill Akame.
– Aw man, there’s still half of an episode left. Guess that means I’ll have to listen to these characters talk.
– Esdeath accepts her defeat, so she goes to be with Tatsumi’s corpse. I initially misread her line as “I wish that you had been inside me.” Would’ve been funnier that way.
– Tatsumi, the people’s hero… has his body completely shattered by Anime Hitler into a million sparkles. Welp.
– Oh right, this other Anime Hitler is still alive. So many Anime Hitlers nowadays, man. Luckily, this one can’t fight, so I won’t have to sit through another uninspired battle.
– Honest uses some fancy ring to destroy Leone’s Imperial Arms. He then pulls out a gun and shoots her. But her soul, man! Her soul! She ends up just punching the shit out of him with her fists. And uh, that’s that?
– Afterwards, we see the two remaining heroines — I don’t count Najenda — standing side by side on some cliff. Leone then bids Akame farewell, so I guess she allowed herself to live long enough to say her goodbyes. And now, like a poor cat, she goes off to die alone in some alleyway. But, uh, is Akame’s going to survive cutting herself with her own sword? I guess so.
– Man, what a long, boring epilogue. I can’t believe they left this much time on the clock. Why would I want to watch this celebration? I have no emotional connection to it. For the majority of the season, we’ve been screwing around with, well, everything but the people. But all of a sudden, I have to watch the people celebrate? It’s a hollow gesture. You have to build up to a proper ending.
– Aaaaand it keeps going. People are like, “Man, why are you taking this show so seriously? It’s not meant to be taken seriously!” But look at this unending sequence of events. What here is remotely “not-serious?” Right now, we’re witnessing the solemn execution of the boy emperor. Is this supposed to be a joke, too? Nah, man, the show tries to be serious, so it deserves to be criticized seriously.
– Aaaaaaaaaaaaand it keeps going.
– So who gets to survive this entire ordeal without any scratches? It’s Wave, of course! My readers’ champion! He can do no wrong! He merely helped the Jaegers oppress an entire nation, because little bitty him didn’t know any better!
– I like how the two of them are telling Kurome’s grave that they will protect the kingdom and help the government be just. From what we’ve seen of Kurome, I doubt she would’ve given a shit about any of that.
– Wave then looks up to the sky to say a few words to Esdeath: “I wish you could give us some of your strength, Captain.” Sure, you murdered entire nations, and you allowed your men to rape and kill civilians… but dat strength doe!
– Hurr hurr, I hope she’s finally with her one true love Tatsumi! Anime Hitler deserves at least that much!
– We can’t stop! We won’t stop! More wrap-up scenes with people I don’t care about! Oh goodie, Tatsumi managed to send money back to his village right before he died! Ah, these poor villagers don’t even realize that Tatsumi and his friends are long dead. Hell, two of them died before the story could even properly begin…
– Man, this is like that ending to the last move in the The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but here, you just want to put the anime out of its own misery. Considering how much they veered from the manga, even some of the show’s most ardent fans want to put the show out of its misery. I don’t really mind it when a studio makes changes, of course. I think it’s stupid whenever a show just blindly sticks to the source material. Still, I suspect it didn’t change anything. Akame ga Kill! is a terrible anime no matter what.
– I guess it’s called Akame ga Kill! ’cause she’s the only one to survive. Again, I don’t count Miss Rocket Fist, ’cause she’s useless.
Anyway, why is Bulat in this group picture twice?
– Finally, the credits are rolling! Wait, what’s this? Oh come on! We’re done. We’re fucking done.
Filed under: Akame ga Kill!, Anime, Series Tagged: Akame ga Kill!, Anime