Akatsuki no Yona Ep. 3: Hak makes his case
Welp, now that a relationship with her own cousin no longer sounds like a good idea, let’s start arguing why Yona should get with the other bishie instead. Too bad his name is Hak. – Blah blah blah,...
View ArticleEverything Else, Fall ’14, Week 3: Pruning the shounens
I know it’s a thing to say that anime is getting worse with every year, but I honestly don’t think the fall season is all that bad. Nothing so far has really gotten my mind going, but overall, there...
View ArticleParasyte Ep. 3: Prejudice
Migi asks, “Shinichi, what do you think separates us from A?” At the moment, not much. More specifically, they’re not very different on an emotional level. At the moment, Shinichi is deathly afraid of...
View ArticleHitsugi no Chaika – Avenging Battle Ep. 3: Scared of change
Our heroes need a better strategy. Instead of just coming right out and asking for Gaz’s remains, maybe they could first say, “Claudia said you might be able to help us….” It’s possible that they...
View ArticlePsycho-Pass 2 Ep. 3: Something old, something new
Let’s split this episode up into two essays. I think this is a better way to organize my thoughts. The Limits of Transhumanism All Over Again As they are investigating Akane’s apartment for any signs...
View ArticleGundam: Reconguista in G Ep. 5: More weekly clashes with the Capital Army
Back to the old post format for now… By the way, how long is this series going to be? I’m not so keen on doing anything that spans more than two seasons. – Whoops, I thought the threat from outer...
View ArticleAmagi Brilliant Park Ep. 4: Compartmentalized
Somewhere during the ferris wheel scene, the episode lost me. The atmosphere had finally taken a turn for the serious. For the first time since they started working together, Kanye and Fiddy Cent were...
View ArticleShigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Ep. 3: A psychological horror story
Oh lord… – Kousei whines, “First I was an extra… now I’m a substitute, huh?” Give me a break. Instead of using this golden opportunity to look like he’s a fun person to hang out with, he’s got this...
View ArticleGaro: The Carved Seal of Flames Ep. 4: Reflections
The village in this week’s episode is a microcosm of the world around them. Hell, the story in this week’s episode is a microcosm of the entire series. This episode may as well be Leon’s own...
View ArticleTerra Formars Ep. 5: Fight, fight, fight
It’s getting harder and harder to blog this show. Nothing really happens in this week’s episode, but I’ll get to that at the end. First, I want to talk about Terra Formars‘ formulaic brand of...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 16: Giant-killers
Time for some dungeon-raiding inaction. – So what do we get? Infodumping right off the bat. Sword Art Online never ceases to impress, does it? – Yui tells us that the MMO has the ability to...
View ArticleFate/stay night – Unlimited Blade Works Ep. 3: Shirou shows off his usefulness
Finally, we get some much-deserved action. – These names, man: “I’m Illya. Illyasviel von Einzbern.” Isn’t there a crappy spinoff about her attending school? Scratch that. I don’t even want to know. –...
View ArticleCross Ange Ep. 4: Now hate everyone
Ange herself might have changed, but that doesn’t mean Cross Ange has! What waste product will our heroines expel in this week’s episode? Read on to find out! – I’m still wondering if this is finally...
View ArticleAkame ga Kill! Ep. 17: Double the fun
Alright, let’s see if anyone dies in this week’s episode of Akame ga Kill! What? This will only desensitize us to future deaths and render them meaningless? Pish posh! Pile on the body count! – If...
View ArticleLog Horizon 2 Ep. 4: Much ado about nothing
Yeah, I’m yawning too, Sia. I’m yawning too. In fact, this episode is just killing me. It really is. – Sou: “Christmas means salmon to me, I guess.” Well, that’s different. Salmon is great, but… can...
View ArticleOokami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Ep. 4: Erika humiliates herself some more
The struggle continues. To get you guys up to speed, our heroine ran away in tears at the end of last week’s episode, because the bishie rejected her feelings. Let’s watch and see how things...
View ArticleShingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Ep. 4: Zombies, demons, and pirates
It’s like a nerd’s wet dream. So Favaro and Kaisar used to be childhood friends. They got along well despite their differences in status, and I like how Kaisar implies that this was a wonderful thing....
View ArticleFall 2014 Harem Hill, Week 4: The Great Shoe Rescue of 2014
Ah, Halloween is just around the corner, and have I got a nightmare in store for you! That’s right! It’s Harem Hill time again. Despair, my friends, despair. ‘Cause we’re about to watch five harem...
View ArticleAkatsuki no Yona Ep. 4: The Fire Clan is at it again
No more flashbacks, please. So of course, our fugitives are still on the run. The nearby villages are too unsafe, so there’s only one place left to go: Capital Fuuga. Luckily, this also happens to be...
View ArticleEverything Else, Fall ’14, Week 4: Seasonal disappointments
Time to watch all the other shows I don’t normally post about… yay… Week 3’s Poll Results 1. The most disappointing anime thus far? According to my readers, it would have to be Terra Formars. I can’t...
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