Akatsuki no Yona Ep. 16: Lame duck leaders
The squirrels in this show used to be cute. Used to be… Anyway, we’re still focused on Guen-Tea and what he thinks of Suwon. He gripes at first, but the show’s predictable so you know he’ll be...
View ArticleAbsolute Duo Ep. 4: Absolute tripe
Pfft, there’s nothing to see anyway. It’s time to introduce a new girl, because we men get bored easily. We can’t possibly focus our attention on just one lady at a time. Plus, the new haremette is...
View ArticleParasyte Ep. 16: You haven’t even seen my final form
If the show’s going to be less psychological body horror, and more standard action fare these days, then it really needs to step up in the animation department. After all, the former is potentially...
View ArticleShinmai Maou no Testament Ep. 3 & 4: To the zero dimension
Yeah, I have two episodes to cover, but I don’t intend to dwell too long on them. Maybe things will return to normal this week, but like with the Absolute Duo post, I’ll just try to make this quick...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Root A Ep. 4: Embarrassing
Yeah, I’ve seen the third episode. And I thought I wanted to focus on the fourth episode. But the truth is, Tokyo Ghoul is dead. It started dying near the end of the first season, and that finale...
View ArticleGaro: The Carved Seal of Flames Ep. 15 & 16: Enough happiness
It looks like we’re getting the side stories out of the way before the final arc can play itself out. I’m just waiting for Leon to hop back into the battlefield, though. Yeah, it’s great that he now...
View ArticleAldnoah.Zero 2 Ep. 4: Desert Storm
Some old faces are back. That’s neat, I guess. — Both Marito and and Yuki finally show up again in the story. Where have they been? Well, Yemen of all places. Marito personally requested to be...
View ArticleCross Ange Ep. 17: Days of Ange’s lives
Well, that was a dumb ending to the Super Bowl. Back to anime, I guess. Alright, let’s just get Cross Ange over with. What dumb “twist” will the show throw at us this week? — Salamander Chick tells...
View ArticleIsuca Ep. 2: For the love of my cats
When we last left off, Blondie wanted to kill Catgirl ’cause catgirl is supposedly an evil specter from the netherworld or something. On the other hand, Blondie looks like one of those generic aliens...
View ArticleAbsolute Duo Ep. 5: Thor is all about the superflat movement
It’s a big deal that Lilith can use a gun because Blazes are usually simple. Y’know, if you actually cared about this show’s world building. Oh yeah, we’re back with another episode of Absolute Duo....
View ArticleAkatsuki no Yona Ep. 17: Hak finally finds himself an admirer
Back to the status quo: starting these posts off with squirrel pics. — More importantly (maybe), the story is back to focusing on Yona and her gang of of misfits. They’re still looking for the Green...
View ArticleParasyte Ep. 17: Motherhood
Toodle-oo! — The three parasites confronting Reiko are also working by themselves. The guy who seems like the leader of the trio confesses that he’s basing his decision off of his intuition. On the...
View ArticleShinmai Maou no Testament Ep. 5: Plot all over my face
I’d say 75% of every episode desperately wants to be a porno. The other 25%? Pure and delicious plot. Yeah, the show’s got a lot of plot. Maria takes umbrage at Basara for smacking her on the head,...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Root A Ep. 5: About as fun as a root canal
It’s a shame that I have to blog Tokyo Ghoul the same way that I blog harem anime, but that’s how it is these days. The show no longer has any depth. It’s just one unending parade of cheap battles one...
View ArticleGaro: The Carved Seal of Flames Ep. 17: Snowfall
You should always be wary when any story bombards you with all these tranquil scenes. Unless it’s a meandering slice-of-life anime, things will never stay constant like this, especially if the...
View ArticleIsuca Ep. 3: Family Strife
The harem lead is good at cleaning. Wow. You, too, can do what billions of people do all across the world. As his reward, he gets to move in and live with two hot girls. Welp. Naturally, the lady doth...
View ArticleAldnoah.Zero 2 Ep. 5: For whom does the caged bird sing?
I actually like this episode quite a bit better than the previous ones. No, one episode alone isn’t going to change my opinion of the series as a whole. And it’s not like the episode itself is perfect...
View ArticleCross Ange Ep. 18: Everyone’s a tool
I have never been a fan of reunions. Awkward… Especially when they start getting all possessive. — Ange tries to tell everyone aboard the Aurora that the dragons are cool. In fact, they should team up...
View ArticleAbsolute Duo Ep. 6: I hurt you because I love you
This is probably one of the show’s worst episode yet. Somehow, we’ve gone from a giant coliseum designed for this sort of direct combat to… well… a mall. Why? Perhaps it makes for an exciting setting....
View ArticleAkatsuki no Yona Ep. 18: A pirate’s life for me
When we last left off, Jaeha, the Green Dragon, has no desire to pledge his loyalty to King Hiryuu’s descendent. Y’see, he’s a pirate, and not only that, he rather likes his life, and since this is...
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