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Alright, alright, let’s get this over with.
– Not much to say about the start of the episode. Shirou’s suffering more than he lets on, but he tries to soldier on anyway without confiding in his allies. He even avoids meeting up with Rin because of it. Oh, those wholesome shounens! Meanwhile, Kuzuki has called in sick to work…
– Since Shirou won’t come to her, Rin will come to him instead.
– Cool. Our heroes are now sitting around in a room and talking about their plans to stop the bad guys. Best anime of the year, boys!
– Hey, I’m not really complaining. Anymore, that is. It just means less work for me. I mean, there’s nothing really to analyze here. Oh, Caster will blow herself up if they corner her? Hm, hm, very interesting, yes… Excellent strategizing session.
– Uguu, you’re a girl, so could you please just go home already?
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– Not really, no…
– The delicious food shots and Rin’s silly faces are really all that I have to look forward to in this adaptation. Of course, I was hoping to see some amazing action, but it looks like we’re not going to get any of that in this week’s episode.
– Rin and Fujimura-sensei are now bickering with each other. Best. Anime. Of. The. Year.
– Shirou would rather break a bunch of dishes then just admit that he’s feeling a bit weak in one of his arms. I mean, with magic flying around in this universe, what if he’s not just fatigued? What if his strength is actually being sapped by a terrrrrrrrible curse?! So honestly, dude’s just being stubbornly irresponsible.
– You don’t care if Rin hates you? What kind of thing is that to say?
– Episode’s half over. Time for some action, right?
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Of course not.
– On the bright side, this scene at least develops Rin’s character a bit. A teensy, tiny bit, which is more than I can say for the previous five or so minutes.
– Rin studies magic for fun. On the other hand, Shirou studies magic to make other people happy. Just different strokes for different folks, right? WRONG:
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Rin then storms off… only to then stay the night. She may as well just stay here permanently. Gotta keep an eye on that wholesome shounen of hers. Plus, she’s gotta be lonely in that giant house.
– But during her outburst, she says something about how Shirou really resembles someone that she knows. Oh, I wonder who she’s referring to. This is where Fate fans will claim that I should already know this information, huh?
– I like how Shirou expresses shock at Tohsaka wearing a skirt. Oh man, a skirt and thighhighs? Be still, my heart!
– Later that night, Saber goes to see Shirou, because she’s noticed that there’s something wrong with his left arm. This would be a good time for the guy to open up and allow himself to rely on others, but… wholesome shounens just gotta wholesome it up. Yo, if you want to make the people around you happy, I bet hiding your pain won’t make them happy.
– Archer then shows up. With just a few minutes left in the episode, we may as well just talk it out:
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Yep, an entire episode full of nothing but conversations. B-B-B-BEST ANIME OF THE YEEEEEEEAAAAARRRRRRRR!
– Welp, there’s no curse. Dude’s just not used to using so much magic, I guess. Something something about dormant circuits being flooded with mana. Whatevs.
– Psst, Archer went through the same arm numbness thing. Y’know, just in case it wasn’t already obvious enough that he and Shirou are one and the same.
– Rin wants Shirou to think more for himself. Likewise, Archer is only fighting for himself and no one else, blah blah blah. Just deep characterization things…
– TL;DR: Archer is a cynical dude. Aaaand… the episode’s over. Nice.
– Yeah, this is a short post, but for an episode full of conversations, it ironically didn’t give me anything to talk about.
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There were some scant character development, but nothing particularly profound or meaningful. Everything here was just a repeat of what we’ve already seen before.
Filed under: Anime, Fate/stay night - Unlimited Blade Works, Series Tagged: Anime, Fate/stay night, Fate/stay night - Unlimited Blade Works Image may be NSFW.
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