Akatsuki no Yona Ep. 11: Head-butting bishies
Welp, it’s time to get to know the white dragon. But I’m sure you can already tell how this is going to go. After all, the guy may as well be royalty. Ki-Ja’s been coddled in some village for all his...
View ArticleEverything Else, Fall ’14, Week 11: Departure
The responses to last week’s questions were pretty standard, I guess. Lots of you guys wished that Rin would have been the star of Fate/stay night – UBW instead of Shirou. I can’t disagree too much...
View ArticlePsycho-Pass 2 Ep. 11 (Finale): Just hit the reset button
Alright, alright. Let’s get this finale over with, so when it’s all said and done, we can just pull a Mika and pretend that none of this ever happened. – Ah, Akane is protecting Kamui. But why would...
View ArticleShigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Ep. 11: Onto the next big event
Did we just spend three episodes on three performances? I think we did. In any case, Kousei saw his mom’s ghost smiling at him at the end of last week’s episode, so I expect that subplot to be done...
View ArticleAmagi Brilliant Park Ep. 12: Smooth sailin’
The outcome really isn’t as close as it looks. – Man, that’s a lot of people for an exhibition soccer game. Sure, it’s free, but you’d actually have to pay me to watch a match with no stakes. – So...
View ArticleGundam: Reconguista in G Ep. 13: To the moon!
‘Cause that’s where we’re going next. Anyway, Reconguista in G always seem to do just enough to get you excited for the next episode. But when the actual episode actually rolls around, it never quite...
View ArticleGaro: The Carved Seal of Flames Ep. 12: Leon’s fall
In the end, Leon ends up doing more damage to Santa Bard than Mendoza or his newly summoned Horror ever could. Our troubled protagonist also suffers a dramatic defeat at Alfonso’s hands. On the other...
View ArticleSword Art Online II Ep. 24 (Finale): Let’s do this quick and dirty
Ughhhh, do I have to? Do I really, really have to? You know what? After two full seasons of Sword Art Online, I think I deserve to pull it back a bit. I think I have written enough words on this...
View ArticleFate/stay night – Unlimited Blade Works Ep. 11: Let’s talk it out
Alright, alright, let’s get this over with. – Not much to say about the start of the episode. Shirou’s suffering more than he lets on, but he tries to soldier on anyway without confiding in his...
View ArticleCross Ange Ep. 12: B-b-bombshell!
Gasp! But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s start from the beginning… – Oh hey, very important people have gathered in one place to talk about the story! This is pretty much an anime staple,...
View ArticleMushishi Zoku Shou Ep. 22 (Finale): The giving tree
I sat here for quite some time, trying to find the right words for this post. To be honest, I don’t have much to say about the story that you see on the surface. After all, it is a very familiar tale....
View ArticleLog Horizon 2 Ep. 12: That’s that, I guess…
That was, uh… anticlimactic. Look, it’s not like I was expecting Shiroe to fight both Kinjou and Uru all by his lonesome. After all, he’s just an enchanter, and he’s not exactly the hero of the story...
View ArticleOokami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Ep. 12 (Finale): Another pretty boy from a broken...
That’s right. It’s the last episode. It’s also the episode where you get to learn about the bishie’s painful childhood. What a coincidence, huh? As you might have expected, Kyouya’s relationship with...
View ArticleShingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Ep. 11: Kaisar falls… a lot
Well, this is a pretty action-packed episode. There isn’t much to chew on. though. As such, I’ll just make this quick. No silly outfit for Demon Favaro, I see. The double standards! I never realized...
View ArticleFall 2014 Harem Hill, Week 12: Howling with laughter
What’s that? The year’s almost over? Well, you’ve chosen the best possible way to celebrate the occasion: reading the second to last Harem Hill post to ever be written! Current Standings Grisaia no...
View ArticleAmagi Brilliant Park Ep. 13 (“Finale”): One long intro video
After what we saw in last week’s episode, I guess the big questions will be 1) why does this episode exist, and 2) why does it exist here? – “Not bad, but not great. The problem is that none of it...
View ArticleFate/stay night – Unlimited Blade Works Ep. 12: We’re going to a steakhouse...
Oh man, are you guys ready for some delicious steak? I know I am. Sure, last week’s steak was cold in the middle, full of gristle, and tough as an old boot, but c’mon… steak! Steak!!! – And since...
View ArticleLog Horizon 2 Ep. 13: Vapid
Oh good, Elder Tale also celebrates Valentine’s Day. Knowing what I know about this show and its potential pairings, I’m already dreading this episode. – Apparently, there’s a heart-shaped fruit that...
View ArticleShingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Ep. 12 (Finale): At world’s end
It’s the end of the road, folks. – Hell seems to be the way to go. Look at the guy with the instrument. As for the angels, they’re just a bunch of generic dudes clad in white. – I guess Beelzebub...
View ArticleFall 2014 Harem Hill, Week 13: How to put together a great ending
Watch as four different anime series simultaneously fail at the same task! Current Standings Grisaia no Kajitsu: 52+5 = 57 points Trinity Seven: 47+4+1 = 52 points Ushinawareta Mirai no Motomete: 40+2...
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